Waiting for chemotherapy, dreading hair loss - Stage 2 Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi all,

New to this forum, just wanted to say hello! I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 2 IDC in April. I had WLE and SLNB in June, but at the results appointment I was told the margins weren't clear and one out of two nodes was positive. I had a cavity shave at the end of July and thankfully they achieved clear margins. 

I was told from the beginning that they wouldn't remove more nodes due to the high risk of lymphodema; the surgeon said these would be treated with radiotherapy. 

At my results appointment yesterday I was told that chemotherapy is now likely, so I am just waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to discuss. If I am given the choice I will accept chemotherapy - my mother was diagnosed aged 29 and died age 38 when I was only 8, so psychologically I think I need to feel like we are chucking everything we can at it...although, I  feel SUPER silly that the most upset I've been so far has been at the prospect of losing my hair....

Anyway that's my cancer CV! :) 

Ps. Can anyone remember a time when they weren't waiting for something? Waiting for appointments, waiting for results, waiting for surgery, waiting for treatment....its never ending!

  • Hi  

    I lost my hair while having chemotherapy but actually didn't find the reality that bad.

    I had very long hair so had it cut short  and chose a wig that was a similar style before I started chemo. I also bought a selection of head coverings and actually wore those more than the wig.

    I did find it upsetting when I brushed my hair each morning and more and more came out, but once I'd got my husband to cut it short using his hair clippers I was okay with it.

    My hair started to regrow as I was coming to the end of chemo and I'd say that about two months after my chemo had finished I felt it had grown enough to be out in public without a head covering.

    You are right that during treatment you always seem to be waiting for something but once you're out the other side there's less waiting.

    Wishing you all the best

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I am so sorry, I missed this reply! I had long hair and have had it cut to shoulder length, I'm going to try cold capping but not sure I will stick it out. I've got an appointment to discuss wigs at the hospital on Wednesday and have looked at some hats and things. 

    I hope your recovery is going well xx

  • Hi  

    I found lots of nice head covers at www.annabandana.co.uk. They have loads to choose from, are affordable and come really quickly.

    Have fun choosing your wig on Wednesday. I choose one a slightly different colour to my own hair just for fun really. Although it was made from artificial hair it was very realistic.

    I'm doing well thanks. My last treatment was radiotherapy which I finished in January 2023. Just have twice yearly Zometa infusions now.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"