Waiting on biopsy results

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  • 20 subscribers

I just wanted to say hi. I'm probably going to be lurking around for a while as I'm waiting for my biopsy results. All I know at the moment is I have a rather large mass in my left breast and according to my mammogram and ultrasound scan it's not gone into my lymph nodes ... Yet. 

I found my lump 3 weeks ago and since then it's grown so much that my breast has gone from a B cup to a C cup.

I've now got about a 2 week wait for the biopsy results. I won't lie that I'm scared. I've got 3 teenagers and a toddler. The oldest teenager and the youngest teenager has additional needs, the middle teenager has just started his GCSE exams and my toddler is also expected of having additional needs. Plus we run our own business so life is hectic enough without this.

I'm showing the world a warrior attitude and cracking jokes but I'm absolutely terrified. So anyway that's my story so far. If anyone has any helpful tips or tricks I would certainly appreciate it. In the meantime time I shall be learning from all the discussion topics.

Thank you in advance

  • Hi Milzo20

    Wow you have a lot on your plate. First thing I will say is please do not panic. Yes that's easier said then done but you will find at the beginning there could be a bit of a wait before you start treatment. I've had a wait of about 2 months between biopsy and treatment starting (I start this Monday and I can not wait to start). I have found that keeping myself busy was the main thing so I've been organising and preparing. So I have organised baby sitters for every day of the week so when I need them I know they will be available to me. So I'm using my mum on a Tuesday and a Thursday and my m.i.l. on a Wednesday and a Friday and my husband and b.i.l the rest of the time. Obviously I'm hoping not to need them everyday lol but I know they are on stand by on those days which helps ease the pressure. My mum is also doing all of my washing so again that's one less thing for me to worry about. If people offer you help then absolutely take it. Enjoy your pregnancy in the meantime and try to concentrate on that little bundle of joy.


  • Thank you! I think this waiting to find out the details is the worst thing, I just want to know what’s going on and what the plan is. I really hope everything goes smoothly with your treatment xx

  • Yeah I was definitely like that too. Not knowing is the hardest so I tried to just focus on the things I did know about. I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us updated xx

  • I love this reply x 

  • I find I’m a constant state of anxiety, It briefly escapes my mind then the dread comes back , usually at night .. plan for me on Monday .. absolutely terrified of what they will say .. 

  • I found out on Wednesday that it’s grade 3 breast cancer. Am having an initial op on Tuesday to get the lump out and test the lymph nodes as this is one that’s fast acting and responding to my pregnancy hormones so gotta be whipped out. Will then start treatment and need another surgery after the baby is born. Not sure what the treatment will be just yet!

  • Good luck with Monday, stay strong. I found it’s definitely better knowing what the plan is rather than the waiting game. Hope you can get on with the plan whatever it is! Muscle tone1 

  • How truly frightening for you , hope your treatment goes well . Let me know how you get on x 

     I’m new to this forum , I’m just trying to work out  how to use it , with all the forums and threads I’m getting g a bit confused .  
    I feel  it will be a great source of info and comfort. 
    I have responded  to other forums and threads but not sure where they have gone Grimacing

  • You will probably find that things will move quite quickly after you get your plan. It was really nice to discuss everything and they are very person centred so everything will be around what you choose. Don't be afraid to ask questions. It helped me to take my husband with me as he asked questions that I wanted to ask but actually forgot about. Let us know how you get on xx

  • I will be thinking about you on Tuesday. I hope they manage to get all of it out in one go. Let us know how you get on. Sending you and little one lots and lots of love xx