Lonely, struggling

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  • 16 subscribers

Hi all

Diagnosed in May 2023, completed 20 weeks of chemo (Docetaxel and EC). Dec 2023 bilateral (elected) mastectomy and reconstruction (DIEPS & FLAP). Feb 2024 Axillary lymph node clearance. Soon to commence radiotherapy.!

 I feel so lost. Known for being Miss Positive, known for having a wonderful family and known for having a partner who’s been by my side this whole journey so far.

I’m no longer sexually intimate with my partner - father to my three kids. I also feel pressured into just getting better.  I have financial worries as currently on long term sick leave and I think my partner has become an alcoholic - lies about it. We’ve fallen apart since he begun working nights and begun sleeping on the sofa and not together in bed. The part is we all see it, the children see their father basleep on the sofa with beer cans everywhere. He knows I can’t go back to work, although supporting all the family, and yet adds to my worries.

  • I just read your post. That is so incredibly hard on you not to mind what you are going through. It sounds like your husband might not be coping well either hence his turning to alcohol. Perhaps you could try counselling together as maybe reaching out to other family or friends might make the situation worse. Please look after yourself and it’s hard sometimes to take all the positive pressure we get. We are all human and being able to voice your worries and concerns is important as oppose to feeling the pressure to get better. This is a long journey and there will be better days ahead once you are out the other side of this but important that you get help for right now too. 
    Mind yourself xx