Very scarred and worried

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  • 17 subscribers

Hi, I'm new to this dont really know where to start. I was diagnosed the beginning of July with breast cancer, and was told it was in my lymph glands too. I've had a scan to find out if it had spread and they found something in the top of my lung. Went for a PET scan and that showed up more. Was diagnosed as having lung cancer too. To be told that I had breast cancer was upsetting enough but to now be told I have lung cancer too is just way too much. I'm having a mastectomy and part of my lung removed and just been given a date which is 8th September 2022. I am absolutely all over the place at the moment as I'm having both operations done on the same day. I'm very worried and scarred to be honest and feel that I just cant talk about how I'm feeling to my family. 

  • Morning Harley , so sorry to hear what your going through it must come as a massive shock to you. I was diagnosed last February with triple positive breast cancer and after having chemo and mastectomy followed by herceptin injections my head is still over the place so can honestly sympathise with you. I too feel I can’t talk to family or friends as you just feel like a burden but please reach out to someone it will ease your anxiety . I hope the op goes well thinking of you xx

  • Thanks very much AmethystFairy, I'm truly all over the place at the moment. Dreading having both operations on Friday but know its got to be done. 

    Best wishes xx

  • Hi Harley

    so sorry to hear this. Is the lung cancer a separate cancer or secondary breast cancer? It must be devastating for you but hopefully you will feel a little better as treatment gets underway.  Xx

  • Hi Amethystfairy,  they are not sure yet as they couldn't take a biopsy as it was near some main arteries. They are going to send it for tests once they've removed the part of lung. I hope I will feel better as it goes on xx

  • Hi, I hope by now the surgery is all done and dusted and you are recovering nicely. When you are feeling upto it let us know how it went. I had a mastectomy and it is a very nerve wracking thing so sending you all my love xx