Hello, I’m new on here .

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In May I was originally diagnosed with High Grade DCIS, already had a history of benign tumours in my other breast, so we thought it might be the same. 
Because I’ve got a lot of health issues like being in severe Heart Failure my Cardiologist chose my treatment at my MDT meeting a single mastectomy with no reconstruction. Due to the Anaesthetic might kill me . I was also told I wouldn’t need any more treatment. 
But when I got the pathology report back  two weeks later my diagnoses  had changed to Grade 3 Invasive Carcinoma with High grade DCIS, I was gob smacked ! and I was told I will need chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and 10 years of hormone treatment. 
I start weekly chemotherapy next Tuesday due to being a complex case . And I’m getting very worried about all the horrid side effects some people have been talking about whilst they are on chemotherapy and hormone treatment. and because of my poor heart  I feel I’m going to have a battle of my hands to keep myself  out of hospital. 

  • Hi Reidli77 Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about what has been happening  for you.

    Im assuming  that if the Cardiologist was involved before then they have to be involved  again as you will need to be carefully monitored I would have thought during Chemo by the team there and Cardiology? Is there any way that you can check this out ?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GRANNY59

    Hello. Yes , I will be having Cardiac MRI scans every 6 weeks .

    I had one done on Thursday lunch time so that will be my baseline . 

    im getting very anxious for Tuesday as the fear of the unknown is creeping in . X

  • Hiya I have had BC and am now 3 years post treatment , similar diagnosis and treatment plan and am now back at work living the best life I can. in terms the chemo and treatment there’s is so much they can Do now to manage side effects of chemo and other treatment they will give you an emergency numbers to call of you have any side effects and they have many medication and therapeutic options to help you manage the side effects , I would normally start to feel a bit better around day 5 after chemo , I drank plenty fluids to manage constipation and took all the anti sickness meds they me during the infusion and at home even if you don’t feels sick always take the 5/7 days worth of meds they are a godsend and will help you manage side effects , if you are in any pain contact them re pain meds sometimes paracetamol and ibuprofen doesn’t cut it in which case they   Can offer stronger pain meds , either way rest assured you can and will get through it , try and keep in touch with a buddy to talk to about concerns , Macmillan have a buddy system in place whereby the person can link in with you every week to answer any concerns or pop on here any time abs I’m happy to help , I engaged with support services as I progressed through my journey ,  breast cancer now , Macmillan , cancer support Scotland , and the ICJ project which you can self refer to and they can offer support financially , emotionally , well being , physically and spiritually , you can do this and the prognosis is very good overall for BC , there is always treatment options available to you , here any time you want a chat x