New diagnosis of oestrogen dependant HER2 positive breast cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hello, my lovely sister has just been diagnosed with ‘oestrogen dependant HER2 positive breast cancer, I just wanted to get as informed as possible about this and thought I could help my sister by collecting information for her….does anyone have any experience or advice for this type of cancer? It is grade 2. As you can all imagine, we’re feeling very shocked and scared at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much x

  • Hi , I am so sorry to hear about your sister.  She is lucky to have you.

    I think the best way for you to get informed is by going along to your sister's appointments if she is happy for you to do so.  That's where you will get the best and most accurate information.  

    Oestrogen dependent means the cancer relies on oestrogen to grow and HER2 positive on a protein.  Your sisters medical team are the best ones to explain this to her and they will also explain her treatment plan.

    Definitely don't search the internet as the information can be outdated or just wrong.  You also get the worst case scenarios on the internet.  

    You might want to suggest your sister joins this forum as most of us find talking to others going through the same thing as us the most comforting.

    Wishing you and your sister all the best x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to GodWilling

    Thank you so much for your advice. 
    unfortunately I’m still not allowed to go in to the appointments with my sister, due to the covid situation. . I may try and see if I can speak on the phone with one of them, I’m sure if my sister is with me, and tells the nurses that she gives permission, I’d be able to do that. 
    thank you for taking the time to reply. Very kind of you x

  • You're very welcome .  Perhaps your sister can have you on the phone with her at her appointments so you can listen in and ask any questions.  Only if your sister is happy with this obviously.

  • Hi. So sorry to hear about your sister. It is shocking to get news like that. I got mine in June and to be honest sometimes it still feels a bit like an abstraction. My cancer is similar like your sister's. I got the most info from my hospital team, Macmillan website and breast cancer now. I do recommend one book that helped me to understand what is happening to me and what treatment and why I will go through - "the complete guide to breast cancer" by Liz O'Riordan. If you have any questions I will try to answere them. My only advice, don't Google things. Things are not necessarily accurate, outdated or true. Your best person to talk to is consultant. Sending love and good vibes. Aga xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Goose39

    Thank you so much and I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis too. I’m sending lots of luck, positivity and strength to you. 
    Thank you for your advice, I will certainly tell my sister about that book. 

  • Thank you so much for your kind words of support. I m here if you need any more info and tips. Also today I found a group on FB called herceptin sisters, might be worth looking into. Relaxed️ x

  • Hi 

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister and thought I would reply as I had first hand experience of the type of BC she has. 

    The good news is that this type of BC has a lot of drugs they can throw at it to get rid! I had it all and it did the trick for me so hopefully will for your sister too.

    As the other ladies said don't Google (I did, frightened myself). A lot of the data is out of date.

    Please feel free to read my bio or get in touch if you (or your sister) have any questions.

    Sending positive vibe your way x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elsie77

    Thank you so much for your reply elsie77, I’m so sorry to hear that you went through the same cancer as my sister, but am thrilled to hear that you have come out the other side, that’s wonderful news. I’m keeping everything crossed for her. How do I read your Bio? Is that on here or someEherr else? 
    thank you for your kind words x

  • Sis2

    People on the forum can create a bio if they wish and these can viwed by clicking on the name of the person who has posted or the little coffee cup next to their name.

    I would also like to add that I found this forum really helpful during my treatment. I'm not a natural 'talker' and reading the posts of the other ladies going through similar experiences was a great support. Some of the people on these forums are very knowledgeable too! 

  • Hiya I was diagnosed with stage 2b BC estrogen positive And progesterone positive but HeR2 negative , my treatment was lumpectomy , chemo (which was not as bad as I thought it would be as they have so many options to manage side effects these days) 6 sessions at 3 weekly intervals , I had radiotherapy and asked for ovary removal at end of treatment , this reduces the estrogen in the body and I am on exestamane hormone therapy for 5/10 years which reduces the estrogen everywhere else in my body , all of this reduces the chance if my cancer coming back and the prognosis for my diagnosis was very good from the outset , I found lots of support through MacMillan and they even have a Buddy system and Cancer Information Support Service as well as their website and this forum of course which has been helpful. The good news is that the treatments available and  prognosis or BC these days is amazing and the prognosis overall is very good , I engaged with the Maggie centres , cancer support Scotland and Macmillan , they have so much to offer and she will need different support dependant on what stage of the journey she was at , there is also a new project called the ICJ Improving Your Cancer Journey in Scotland and most local authorities are working with Macmillan on this, you can self refer and they will do a full holistic needs assessment with her to offer support and sign post to available services to support her financially , emotionally , physically , spiritually and her well being , it’s an amazing sevice happy to keep in touch and offer any advice I can as I now volunteer with Macmillan too , sending positive vibes your way but rest assured you got this and she can and will get through this with your wonderful support xxx