I’m New ️

  • 1 reply
  • 15 subscribers

Good afternoon everyone,

I’m Clair, 47 and almost a year since diagnosis/treatment etc. 
I thought I was doing ok, my hairs growing back, I’m back to work but apparently I’m very angry all of the time?!! 

I know this is probably incredibly common after cancer but please can anyone tell me how to stop wanting to slap everyone who so much as looks at me let alone talks or wants to interact?!! I feel atKissing heartimes I’m going mad in a world that only I live in so any advice at all would be much appreciated Kissing heart

  • Hi Clairmarie73 welcome to the forum and sorry that you have not a reply as yet not sure what's happened there. 

    Being angry is part of the healing process and I imagine that all your treatment is not that long ago finished so still early days in the recovery process and the new you. The old you will be forever changed as a result of whats happened to you I know I am and I cant tolerate as much as I used to and have  a low threshold for crap now so I can relate to what you are saying and thats ok. 

    You will get back to feeling like talking but right now you need to just concentrate on what you need .

    If you can go on to the Internet and search for an article written By Dr Peter Harvey "After the treatment finishes- what next"? Its a great article and explains more about what you are feeling and why and may offer some re-assurance.


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