Hi I’m here here! I have IDC & psyching myself for radiotherapy!

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Hi there, Lovely to join this community.

I have invasive ductal carcinoma and had a lumpectomy three weeks ago and now waiting for the next step in treatment. Radiotherapy is next and feeling mild panic rising again.. also have genetic tests being done too which is also probably also adding to worry in the background.

I know we are all in the same boat in some shape or form - here to support as well as share experiences so far! 

Lots of love, 


  • Hi Mo, welcome to the group, but sorry you find yourself here. I have a different cancer to you, but I know full well what it is like to go through the genetic testing programme, and the worry that entails. 

    I have also had radiotherapy, but mine was for a lung tumour. It is a fairly easy process really, it is like having an x-ray done. You lay on the bed, and the machine moves around you. It takes minutes, but you have to lay very still. The side effects vary, but I was very tired, and it made my skin sore, like sunburn.

    Hopefully some of the other ladies will be along soon to share their experience with you.

    Wishing you all the best. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks so much  that’s reassuring!  Fingers crossed xxx

  • How did the lumpectomy go ? How was the recovery. I'm more worried about that bit ! 0

  • It went well. I’m terrified of needles and extremely squeamish so you can imagine how I felt before the op but it was absolutely fine. They put in a canula in my hand & then after anaesthesia I felt nothing and it felt like a nice sleep - it was about 1.5 -2 hours and when I woke up I felt no pain, just a little discomfort. I stayed overnight but some are allowed to go home the same day. When I got home I was okay on paracetamol and ibuprofen for few days and soon didn’t need those. The healing process is straightforward. I’d recommend a little pillow for under arm when sleep because it’s more comfortable after lymph node removal. I had some nerve pain on left side due to lymph node removal but that’s not case (I’m in week 4).  Day of surgery you’re pretty much up and about and I felt tiredness but felt otherwise fine ...... hope this helps a little. The BCN was awesome and texted her with questions as they cropped up  xxxx

  • Was typing too fast- I meant I did have some nerve pain on left arm due to lymph node removal BUT that’s eased and I’m in Week 4 with full range of movement. They encourage some gentle exercises - they’ll show you which to do and when, and these help a lot. 
    You will be fine , and I’m here if you have questions and you can share concerns or worries with BCN. Make sure you buy a couple of good post surgery bras- I’ll have to dig out the ones I got - they were v good xx

  • It helps very much. I had pre-op assessment yesterday but didn't ask about how they anaesthetise you. Said I was a little worried (which actually meant a lot) about pain. Feel a bit of a wimp but I'm not used to being in hospital and very out of my comfort zone, though I do do all I'm asked to do.

  • You’re not a wimp :) Any surgery is a frightening experience and I find even the slightest surprise in details or ambiguity just throws me off (and I’m generally ok with ambiguity/change).  I hate being in hospitals and the whole environment, smells etc just makes me anxious...I’m off to hospital now for my radiotherapy planning session and already nervous!  
    Worrying about pain is normal and I can honestly say , they give you all the pain meds to ensure you’re super comfortable. pre surgery , it all happened fast - a lovely (and handsome anaesthestist walked me though a few questions and reassured me I’d feel no pain and would walk feeling like I’d had a sleep and that I’d be in good hands).  They inject the anaesthesia through canula and I felt something cold going through vein for a second and then felt super chilled and slightly high for another minute and then gas and BAM - don’t remember anything after that.  When you wake from surgery in recovery room, you’re on a morphine high- I was sending silly videos from ward to friends just to put in context :) At night, they gave me a stronger intravenous paracetamol which was amazing as helped me sleep well.  Take a comfy front fastening shirt to wear on way home as easier to put on post surgery. Within days was in stretchy t shirts which are easier to wear without lifting arm above your head. You’ll look and feel okay within days after surgery and it’s incredible how fast the wound heals.  Rest is key obvs xx

  • Hi girl sorry to meet in this awful way I have also been just diagnosed with grade 2 invasive ductal breast cancer NST in left breast sensitive to hormone oestrogen and is HER2 Negative. I go on this Friday 28th for a left therapeutic mammoplasty and sentinel lymph node biopsy and right breast reduction as of my age 35 he wants to get them both looking the same did you get this done also or just the one breast ?  . Then treatment to follow after surgery. Do you need chemo ? I only after having wee baby 8 months ago . Sending you much love and support also x 

  • Hi  how are you doing lovely? What is NST? Sounds like a similar tumour type to mine- I’m oestrogen and prog + and HER- . I have genomic testing done on my tumour which came back with a low risk score so they advised against chemotherapy. I’m now starting week2 of radiotherapy- last week was all pretty straightforward & not at all painful (30 min daily of being zapped).  I’ll start Tamoxifen in about 3 weeks time. Let me know if you have any questions as I had the mammoplasty - it went well and it wasn’t as painful as I had imagined…. Sending lots of love and good vibes your way xxx

  • Hi girl think it’s cancer of no specific type if I’m rite . I don’t get testing done to after the surgery I think he said did you get both breast done was it painful afterwards. Just upset won’t be able to lift wee baba etc for wee while xx