Hi I’m here here! I have IDC & psyching myself for radiotherapy!

  • 19 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi there, Lovely to join this community.

I have invasive ductal carcinoma and had a lumpectomy three weeks ago and now waiting for the next step in treatment. Radiotherapy is next and feeling mild panic rising again.. also have genetic tests being done too which is also probably also adding to worry in the background.

I know we are all in the same boat in some shape or form - here to support as well as share experiences so far! 

Lots of love, 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Neevy35

    ah yes I think NST is same as invasive ductal carcinoma- there is so much new lingo! Having an 8 month old and going through all this sucks - mine’s 7 years old and been hiding it from him :( …whilts t you can’t lift bubba you can still cuddle but I know it’s not enough - do you have enough help to support with bubba? Just remember it’s not forever , just a couple of months before get strength back hopefully - sending lots of love & strength xxx

  • Hi yes just had my surgery yesterday left therapeutic mammoplasty and sentinel lymph nodes biopsy plus right breast reduction lift and tuck both breasts  all Same day . Mine was grade 2  postive to hormone and HER negative and lymph nodes clear. . All went well very sore and lots bruising and swelling but hopefully few days should go down . I’m home wit peca dressing on and little boxes that they are attached to as I have Crohn’s diease also so on steroids so these dressing prevents less infectious more healing . So glad to be home will get to my family hope your well x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Neevy35

    How are you doing? So glad to hear the surgery went well- that’s brilliant news :) The bruising and swelling will go down - and it’s incredible how quickly the wounds heal…try and focus on rest as it will help the healing process. It’s been ~ 7 weeks since my surgery and I’m half way through radiotherapy which has gone well… I’m now sat here outside in the park thinking how fortunate I am and how much i want to live to see my son grow up to be an independent adult! Cannot believe it’s been 7 weeks! I have little to no pain….hopefully this gives you hope too as you heal.! It won’t be long before you’re playing with your baby in the summer - massive hugs- always here xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Neevy35

    Did they give you these exercises to do? They asked me to do from Day 2 day after surgery- https://breastcancernow.org/information-support/publication/exercises-after-breast-cancer-surgery-bcc6


  • Yes I will start them tomorrow did you use anything for the bruising someone told me about arnica if that’s how you even spell it lol . Wonder wud it help or just leave it have been drinking lots water and it so strange that the breast on other side the one which had no cancer on is completely bruised free. Do you think most of the bruising is from the lymph nodes biopsy that he takes out god it’s sore that boob xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Neevy35


    no I didn’t use anything for bruising - it disappeared naturally over the coming weeks in my case. Keep drinking water and eat lots of fruit and veg and sleep. Sleep helped the healing a lot and movement (walking). The breast that’s had the lumpectomy will have more bruising as they have had to cut tissue inside to remove the tumour and reposition tissue to even it out. The most tissue work , the more bruising. You can ask your breast cancer nurse about arnica to see if she recommends it. Right now , probably best to keep the wind and area around it clean & avoid putting creams. Don’t be afraid to take paracetamol for the pain. If still super sore, they can suggest different pain meds. The paracetamol helped with inflammation too. It does get better!!! Xxxx

  • Ah thanks so much yes I didn’t touch it and this morning looks a lot better thankfully. I went for short walk down to my mums to see my baba as she has her and now I’m back in bed . Drinking so much water and they have me on strong pain meds thankfully. And I did my arm exercises also . How are you keeping xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Neevy35

    That’s great! Well done - you’ll see, every day there’s a big difference Slight smile Great you’re out and about and resting - not long before you’re with bubba- this is just a small blip in the big scheme of things. I’m doing ok, started week 3 of radiotherapy and left boob is a teeny bit red but overall can’t complain- the radiotherapy sessions are super quick and I asked to have them in morning so it’s over and done with and can enjoy rest of the day. They say fatigue is a side effect but so far I’ve been feeling fine - perhaps little bit more knackered by time it’s evening but not noticeable (tiredness peaks apparently after radiotherapy is over and takes a couple of weeks - let’s see how that pans out but so far it’s been absolutely fine). So lovely to have the sun on face - make sure you get to sit outside and catch some rays :)) Big hugs xxxx

  • Ah great stuff you got on ok . Had a little wobbly this afternoon just want to be able to pick my baba up and have them all home having hard afternoon definitely.  Can I ask did you need chemo? This evening am going to try walking back down to mums and help bath baba and put her to bed miss them so much it’s the worst bit xx