Just diagnosed at 39 - any advice greatly welcome!

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Hello everyone 

I am a 39 years old mum of a 3,5 year old and an 11 month old. I found a tiny lump a few weeks ago and immediately told my GP. Turned out to be cancer with a tiny amount in my underarm lymph too. I am not triple negative and am estrogen positive so I’m now looking at chemo, surgery, radiotherapy and several years of hormone therapy. 
has anyone been through or is going through a similar experience? 
thanks so much 

  • Hi, I’m so sorry for your diagnosis. I am very similar, diagnosed a few weeks ago. I’m 32 years old with a 2 year old and a 7week old baby, so I completely understand how you must feel right now. My lump is big (10cm) not really sure how I didn’t notice it until now, and I have lymph nodes involved too. I’ve just had my start date for chemo and will be starting on 3rd June. Have you had any scans yet? I’m still waiting on results from mri, ct and bone scan to make sure it isn’t anywhere else

  • Hi Pumpkinpie 

    im also sorry to hear about your diagnosis, how are you feeling? I think I’m still in shock, work have also signed me off so I don’t even know what to do with myself. 
    I had my CT scan result yesterday which looks ok from what my oncologist could see. 
    Will you have surgery after the chemo? 
    one of the nurses I saw told me they are seeing so many women now in their 30’s and quite a few friends of mine have friends who have been through this xx

  • So sorry to you and Plumpkinpie. I'm 47. My lump was 6cm with lyph nodes involved. I had a masectomy with full node clearance in January Have 2 cycles of chemo to go and then radiotherapy. I dont have children  but believe me when I say it is all doable and you will get through it. Dont Google stuff and any questions at all speak to your BCN (breast cancer nurse? Listen to your body and take whatever is thrown at you. Thete will be many ups and downs along the way but ou've got this xx

  • Hi girl sorry to meet in this awful way I have also been just diagnosed with grade 2 invasive ductal breast cancer NST in left breast sensitive to hormone oestrogen and is HER2 Negative. I go on this Friday 28th for a left therapeutic mammoplasty and sentinel lymph node biopsy and right breast reduction as of my age 35 he wants to get them both looking the same . Then treatment to follow after surgery. I have just had a little baba girl 8 months ago it’s so so awful but I’m hopefully we all will get through this journey together. Sending you all my love x

  • Hi Neevy35

    im sorry to hear you’re news, how are you feeling? 
    my initial shock has subsided now and I just want to start chemo which is next week. 
    I also have grade 2 with lymph involvement so am doing chemo first, then surgery, then radiotherapy and then hormone treatment as mine is also oestrogen receptive and am still waiting for the results of my HER2 test but I understand that if it is positive then I just have to take another drug to block something. 
    have they staged you yet after a CT scan? Xx

  • Still very much so sad and counting down days to my surgery now on Friday . My lymph nodes were clear but he wants to check them anyways . No CT scan maybe that comes after surgery they didn’t stage an here in Northern Ireland they just gave me grade 2 . And all treatment to follow after surgery. Just sad won’t be able to lift baba etc and praying hard that get good results after the surgery fingers crossed . My lump was 2.5cm . I’m on Instagram if you wanna follow me up there . neevy32  x

  • Hi yes just had my surgery yesterday left therapeutic mammoplasty and sentinel lymph nodes biopsy plus right breast reduction lift and tuck both breasts  all Same day . Mine was grade 2  postive to hormone and HER negative and lymph nodes clear. . All went well very sore and lots bruising and swelling but hopefully few days should go down . I’m home wit peca dressing on and little boxes that they are attached to as I have Crohn’s diease also so on steroids so these dressing prevents less infectious more healing . So glad to be home will get results in 10 days time . Hope your ok x 

  • Hi. I m just been diagnosed as well. I m 39, having my CT scan next week and seeing oncologist the same day. Full on treatment planned with chemo, operation, radio and tablets later. Still shocked especially that I m with medical background and do my blood test every year and nothing was picked up. The worst for me is waiting, just want to start it. Let's be occupied and as much as we can stay positive.  Sending love and good vibes. Kissing heart

  • Hi

    this must be such a shock to you, I’m the same age as you and have just started my 1st round of chemo last Tuesday. Do you know what chemo you’ll be having? 
    I was also totally shocked - I was breast feeding and found a tiny pea in the shower and was told it was a cyst only for the radiologist to biopsy it to show it wasn’t! 
    I also had an ultrasound last October as a screen and that came back clear. 
    I found the wait for my CT scan results the worst but I was told they do them to have a baseline not necessarily because they expect to find something more sinister. 
    I will also have chemo, surgery, radio and hormone tablets as mine is oestrogen positive and will also have lymph nodes removed as I showed a positive result there also. 
    please ask any questions if I can help! Not that I know a lot at the moment but at least my initial shock has subsided! Xx

  • I m still digesting the info from doctor. It is only day 3 but anxiety is kicking in. It feels like grieving. I got third grade, sensitive to everything which doctor was very positive about. I will know which chemo I get on wed. Just trying to be busy as much as I can. Have u been advised on any diet at all ( I m a health Frick) ?! Thank you for your kind words xx