Rib pain...worried

  • 16 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Anyone experienced rib pain on both sides after treatment...diagnoses grade 3 invasive carcinoma on one side &  in 4 lymph nodes Her2 negative...I had a single masectomy..full lymph node clearance in march and have now completed 12 chemo & 15 radiotherapy 2 weeks ago...mri & PET were clear when done in march but I'm now experiencing pain not severe though in ribs towards the back so I'm panicking I've got spread to bones now !!

Anyone in the same boat or had the same ...much Love to you all xx


  • Glad to hear your scan was clear!  Brilliant news. xx

  • Hi 

    I had invasive bc but ER and PR positive I had  7 out of 21 lymph nodes effected I had chemo and radiotherapy. I would agree with Helsjw that radiotherapy according to one of my oncologists said it can take up to 18 months to completely heal from radiotherapy, for all the muscle, tissues etc to heal properly. If you are worried I would phone your breast care nurse maybe or get a gp appointment, it is always best to check x

  • Hi Beechwalkee

    Yes thanks for that..I've been te scanned now & it was clear thank goodness...as yours went to lymph nodes like mine was lymphovascular invasion or extracapsular spread mentioned...if so what are your thoughts on it...its been a worry for me as I was grade 3 also xx

  • I'm probably a bit late, but can you get a referral to a physiotherapist? I had rib pain after my first surgery / radiotherapy, and the physio said that often muscles are moved around during surgery so it's not unusual. And when you add in that you might have been less active during chemo and RT, muscles could easily be out of sorts.

  • Hi Yes mine said extracapsular on my notes, no one said anything to me about, I had to google it, just that it had spread outside the lymph node, I had 7/21 nodes affected. I try not the think about it to be honest. It’s two years since my diagnosis so I just try to be positive. Let me know how you are getting on as it’s a couple weeks old this thread x