Lobular Breast Cancer Just Diagnosed

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I was diagnosed on Monday with Lobular Breast cancer.  In July had mammogram which showed calcifications then ultra sound and core biopsy which after waiting for 3 weeks for results was clear.  But to double check I had tissue biopsy under a general then 2 weeks later was told it was Lobular BC.  But I really thought I would get all clear. I originally went with a colour change to my right breast which they said was fine, this is in my left breast.  I need a MRI on Wednesday to check there are no more and I need a biopsy on the lymph nodes.  I am so scared they will find more as I have been told with this type you can have more than one.  I had no lump and the cancer did not show up on the mammogram.  I am so scared in case it has spread.  I do not know how I will be able to go and sit in the waiting room next Friday waiting for the results as I am too scared.  I feel on the verge of tears all the time and this is consuming all my thoughts and has done for the passed two months!  I hope I can find a why to cope with this.

  • Hi there, im so sorry you have found yourself here, but this is the place to vent your worries abd feelings. I had lobular breast cancer also and yes the mammogram didnt pick it up but i could feel a lump. From what your saying it looks like they have been very thorough with you. All of us on this site have all been in this situation your facing and we all are here to support you whatever the out come. As for finding a way to cope, you just do. It helps to have support from friends and family.  Do you have a good support circle? 

    Sending positive thoughts and power vibes your way. 

    Take care. 

    Lils x
  • Thank you for replying. I feel alone with this at the moment,  I am divorced, single and with no close family no brothers or sisters, but I do have two teenage daughter's but I can't put my worries on them as I need to try and be positive for their sake.  

    I need to find a way to cope with this x

  • Do you have a macmillan nurse? They can refer you to someone you can talk to about all your worries about coping with cancer. They can help your daughters too. And this site is brilliant for support, you have probably met some lovely people already. At least on here everyone you speak to can relate to what your going through. Try and stay positive and take each day as it comes. 

    I hope i have been some help. 

    Take care.

    Lils x
  • Hi ,

    Im so sorry you find yourself here. Not one of us wanted to be here and I guess for me, I never thought it would happen to me!

    All I can say is, it is really hard waiting for results, I’m not going to lie to you and say any different, the waiting is agony. You will get through it though, we will be here for you every step of the way. We will be your adopted family.

    I have 4 children, 2 older and two teenage daughter too. 

    My BC was Lobular,  it quite a big tumour at 64mm, found out later it was multi focal so 3 tumours together I think.

    I did the same thing, just be as positive as you can be, it’s easy to say don’t worry till you get the results, we all know that is a lot easier said then done.

    I will message you privately. 

    Thinking of you x x

  • Hi Roses, 

    I too was diagnosed with Lobular stage 2 BC just under 7 weeks ago now. You are not alone sweetheart even though you feel that you are. My surgeon told me that BC is so treatable so try to keep your chin up and be as positive as you can be and hold onto that thought You will cope with this awful journey and get through this horrible experience in your life just like me. Slight smile

    Sending you hugs.

    Netty xxxx

  • Hi Netty

    Thank you for your reply.  It is a horrible experience and I have really been struggling to cope in past few days.    Had my MRI scan today and will get my results Friday.  I just hope they do not find any more, did not have a lump or symptoms so it been a shock.  Also was told grade 1 and when i received a copy of the letter it said grade 2!  I just need to get the results Friday so I can get an idea of what my treatment plan is. Do you know what your treatment plan is?

    Sending hugs to you too x

  • Hi Rosie, 

    well done for getting through the MRI yesterday. I had a utter meltdown when they did mine but it’s another part we have tackled. I have had my surgery to remove my cancer on the 14th Aug and then developed a infection and seroma so was taken back into surgery 6th Sept so I am still recovering from the second op plus they took more margin as I had LCIS cells in it as per my next sentence but that was cancer free. They have also diagnosed that I have a uncommon condition called LCIS which means I am at higher risk of getting breast cancer and that petrifies me as they are abnormal cells that could potentially become cancerous.

    I am waiting to meet my oncologist next Thursday and I have been told that I am definitely going to be having radiotherapy and hormone therapy but I am borderline on chemo therapy so they are going to do a dx Onco test. This test gives a score and depending on my score will depend if I need chemo. I am praying I don’t need it as I don’t know how I feel about losing my hair and other side effects. I am really scared about it all and worried about the radiotherapy. The hormone therapy is tablets and that rids my body of estrogen as they have confirmed that my cancer is fed by estrogen. 

    Because I am screamish I try not to ask what is involved because it’s me that this stuff is being done on and it makes me worse so they tell me what I need to know. 

    I know you are scared and I am right with you in that situation but just think soon you will be free of cancer and will be like me moving onto the next stage. It’s the waiting for results and healing that is getting to me as I want to be normal again and be able to return to work as being at home is not me. I still can’t look at my breast properly at the moment but I guess it’s a time factor and eventually my other one will be done. ( I am big chested so they managed to do a breast reduction at the same time as removing the cancer).

    sorry for the essay but I do understand how you are feeling and wish I could hold your hand because together we can do this and kick cancer in the butt. 

    The old cliche here but try to stay strong and tackle the next challenge because you are doing it just like me. 

    Sending you love and thinking of you. 

    Netty xx

  • It seems we unfortunately have few things in common.  I  also have LCIS!  I  had area of calcifications, which showed up on a mammogram I had a core biopsy done at the end of July which was clear of cancer but they found LCIS .  Therefore they took the tissue away at the end of August to double check there was no cancer and  the cancer was found within that tissue, it is 16mm there was no lump that could be felt.  Did you have a lump? The cancer did not show on the mammogram.  I know I have to have more surgery as one of the margins was too small when they took the tissue, and they did mention checking lymph nodes. But other than that I do not know much about my treatment plan as they are waiting for the MRI results.  

    Mine is also fed by estrogen  so will I will need medication and I am also scared in case I need chemo therapy- that scares me the most.   Also I do not know much about LCIS, don’t know if it is something that will always be there or has it been removed when they took the tissue and is it something that will come back.  I am going to have to ask the consultant all these questions.

    I am very very scared for tomorrow in case they find something worse, but I know all my worrying will not help x

  • Hello my lovely, 

    you will probably be better to ask your surgeon as I am still learning all about this too but I can tell you what I found out from my surgeon. LCIS is abnormal cells but they are not cancer cells but from what I understand it will always be with us. Because we have LCIS we are of a higher risk of getting breast cancer but as my surgeon said we already know that as you had breast cancer so we will be keeping a close eye on you due to this.

    When they took extra margin from me with LCIS it was clear.

    because mine is estrogen fed they will give me hormone therapy as the final treatment and depending on what medication they give you some stop the estrogen from binding to any cancer cells should there be any. It’s more of a preventative treatment apparently. You will probably going through the same thing too but your surgeon and oncologist will decide on the best plan for you.

    Please let me know how you get on tomorrow ?

    love Nets xx

  • P.s. I am also scared about Chemo well I am scared of it all but Chemo is scaring me the most. 

    Love Nets xx