Waiting on biopsy results

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi all , just wondering went for appointment in breast clinic today because noticed a thickening around nipple after got an infection last week , got mamogram and ultrasound which showed a lump over 3cm on mamogram but also something on ultra sound which they first tried to syringe  but nothing came out so got biopsy instead , they then told me to go have a cup of coffee and come back in hour so could get preliminary results when went in was told it looks like benign ie mouse lump but have to come back next friday for full results i feel sick to my stomach to be honest i went in this morn thinking be because of infection i feel sick to my stomach with worry sorry for long post i suppose what i am askn is if they tell you after 1st hour of biopsy that looks benign does it normally be benine 

  • FormerMember


    Warm welcome to the club no one expected to be needing Disappointed

    The waiting results stage is mental torture and takes over your head.  There are many benign breast conditions (Link) one of which is a fluid filled cyst hence the syringe to check if yours was fluid filled.

    There is a chance this could be a fibroid or benign fatty tumour you just have to hope for the best rather than fearing the worst as no ammount of worrying will alter the results but will make you feel a nervous wreck (probably why you feel nauseous) and loads of other aches and twinges come out to play.

    Try to do things that takes your mind off it and kills the waiting time until Friday. Take someone with you to chat with on results day and some support in case your fears are confirmed.

    You could also join the more active Main Breast Group if you would like to 'chat' with other ladies who have been through this.

    Fingers tightly crossed for your results, G n' J

  • FormerMember


    Its easier said than done but try not to worry about something you may not need to worry about. They must think it is more likely to be benign or i'm sure they wouldn't have said they thought it was.

    My daughter had a lump which she decided to tell me about once i got diagnosed and when she went to breast care clinic and had an ultrasound they told her it was a fibroadenoma, they also said if she'd have been 25 they would have done a mammogram and a biopsy but as she was only 24 they didn't need to. 

    I hope that will put your mind at ease a little, it could be a number of things not necessarily cancer. 

    Good Luck

    Please let us know how you get on xx