Second diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hello I was first diagnosed last July had surgery and chemotherapy then in February half way through chemotherapy I developed a new lump and diagnosed with breast cancer again so I had to have a mastectomy and reconstruction.

Just started a new lot of chemotherapy and due to start radiotherapy. I'm a single mam with three young children and I'm really struggling with life at the minute. 

Been told my body is slowly shutting down on itself I have been so ill. Having bloods done every day to be monitored as they said the reaction I have had is uncommon for the first round of chemotherapy. 

How do people cope with it. I cant eat because I feel sick all the time. I'm so tired but I cant sleep. It's very frightening and I feel so alone .

  • So very sorry all this has happened to you.

    I’m not a single parent so I can’t imagine how hard this is to do alone. I had a mastectomy, I’m through chemo and now 7/15 rads sessions down.

    Have you got family or friends you can talk too, or Macmillan centres are brilliant, I’ve dropped in just for a chat and it can really help.

    If it’s Chemo making you sick ask for another anti sickness med.  I had Akyzeo which was great. 

    I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do about sleeplessness, I’ve suffered insomnia for years.

    Your are obviously worried, stressed and probably anxious, my Macmillan centre put me in touch with a place that does complementary Therapies, gentle yoga, mindfulness, reiki healing, meditation etc, I have actually learnt how to relax and sleep so much better now, even with aches, pain etc. 

    Please come back here and chat, there is usually someone around.

    Best wishes x x

  • FormerMember

    Hello sorry to hear you're having to go through this rubbish again. 

    Speak to your chemo nurse tell them about feeling sick all the time they may be able to alter your anti sickness medication to help. I use to eat little but often and found that helped. Also mention you're struggling to sleep they may be able to give you something to help. 

    Come and talk to us, we can help you through. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you. I'm a single mum but luckily my kids are adults now so have been able to look after me. Hopefully chatting to us will help you feel less anxious about things. 

    Macmillan also have a support line thats open 8-8 7 days a week, 0808 808 00 00 give them a ring and speak to someone it may help just chatting , i also found when times got tough to talk to my breast care nurse, she always seemed to know the right things to say.

    There is an Awake thread that you could go chat in if you find yourself awake in the night. Also take a look in The Breast Cancer Group as it gets a lot more people visiting in there than in here.

    But keep talking to us and we can try to support you through all this xxx

  • Hi

    I'm in the same position as you although I 'enjoyed' 18 months cancer free before I got my new tumour. It's such a blow and easy to feel despair. 

    I've finished 3 cycles of carbopaclitaxel and plodding along. I know what you mean about feeling alone. I'm a single mum to a 10 and 8 year old who don't understand about mummy resting etc. My 8 year old son gets angry with me for not being able to do as much with him and that's hard to deal with. I would've said my sister and I were close but she has been to see me once in 10 weeks. She did have the kids for a couple of nights in the half term but emotionally I feel I have nobody. 

    I hope you are doing OK. 
