Recently diagnosed with Breast cancer

  • 24 replies
  • 19 subscribers

hi I’m 44 recently diagnosed with Breast cancer , all started with a discharge from nipple went to gp gave me antibiotic and it cleared up but she said she would send me for mammogram just to be sure. Had mammogram was called back following week for ultrasound and had biopsies then following week dr confirmed it . Said it’s in the ducts but had nothing to do with discharge it’s also in my lymph nodes . Just had ct and bone scan and have to go for MRI . Am totally freaked every ache and pain I keep thinking it’s spread I’ve 4 kids  17-11 and am so worried for them and my husband . 

  • Hi

    I know it's terrifying at first but you will get lots of support here. The waiting around for results is the absolute pits, the worst feeling ever. Once you have a treatment plan you will start to feel better.

    I too have kids and I know it's so hard to keep a happy face on when inside you are paralysed with fear. You will find a strength you didn't know you had. 

    I was successfully treated for BC in 2017. Unfortunately I now have another tumour in the other side for which I'm about to start chemo.

    When will you get your next set of results? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Haysie

    Hi Haysie , great to hear you got through it but am so sorry to hear you have another tumor . As you said you will find the strength to get through it if you did it once you can do it again . 

    Ive to have an MRI tomorrow which I’m terrified of and then back next Tuesday for results . I’m so worried as any little ache or pain I’m fearing the worst thinking it has spread . I keep looking up online I know I shouldn’t . 

    I still can’t believe this is happening to me thank you for tour reply x

  • If you can please stay off Dr Google! A lot of the info is outdated and plain wrong in some instances. Stick to sites like this or BC care or BC now. Lots of info is there without the horror stories.

    I had an MRI for my first cancer. It is a bit scary but not as bad as you're probably imagining. You have to lie on your front with your boobs in 'cups' for want of a better word. I think it takes about 20 minutes if I remember.

    It took me a long long time to accept what I was going through so don't be too hard on yourself x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Haysie

    I will stay off it . Thank you for letting me know about the MRI . I just want it over and done with now . Will try and have s good weekend and not think too much about Tuesday . 

    Thank you for your kind words xx

  • Feel free to come on here and rant if you're feeling overwhelmed xx

  • Firstly so sorry you find yourself here . 

     I didn’t have an MRI I had the ct and bone scans I also have 4 children, although only 2 at home. 

    I was convinced cancer would have spread but luckily it had stopped at the Lymph nodes. So try not to worry I know it’s a lot easier to say than do.

    Completely natural to worry about your family too, I waited to tell my younger kids till I had all the results. They knew I’d had a lump removed in October but not a mastectomy.

    After all results and a plan in place for treatment I told them in January about the lump and it was gone along with the lymph nodes and I was starting chemo as a precaution. Personal choice, I didn’t want them to worry about my scan results etc it was hard enough for us to deal with.

    Hope all goes well for you, let us know how you get on x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Beachwalker19

    Hi Beachwalker ,

    thank you so much for your support . Sorry to hear what you have had to go through also . 

    Im very positive today and am ready to fight . I’m just going to keep focusing on what the dr said to me when he told me I had BC, he said it was treatable and I cried and said I didn’t want to die and he said I wasn’t . 

    I will let you know how I get on on Tuesday . 

    Thanks again for your kind words . 

    Talk soon xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, what colour discharge did you have? What was in the ultrasound? 

    I had clear discharge and in ultrasound they found prominent duct , now waiting for the biopsy of the duct . Please reply 


    You’re welcome. We are all here to support each other.

    Glad you have been feeling positive.

    Hope all went well yesterday, keep in touch x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    hi my story is quite similar only you were me this time last year. I started a blog (I am 34 with 3 young children), please feel free to have a read and ask any questions! 
