Decision making for mastectomy with or without immediate reconstruction

  • 10 replies
  • 14 subscribers
Hoping for some lived experiences to help me guide my decision making. Thank you!! 
I was told by my doctor yesterday that I will likely have to have a mastectomy due to there being a few small lumps in my right breast detected after an MRI. They have given me options to choose from: mastectomy with later reconstruction in 1-2 years, immediate reconstruction with own body tissue or an implant.
I am not sure how to make this massive decision but already tend to not want an implant. But I am wondering whether I could live quite well with only one breast and a prosthesis or similar, or whether I will regret not choosing reconstruction right away. And getting it over and done with... 
At the moment I feel like I can't cope with a major operation and being away in hospital for so long and the length of recovery time and potential follow up appointments, but I would like to hear from people who have gone through the immediate reconstruction, but also those who have opted for no reconstruction long term. 
My breasts are fairly big so I am not sure if it would be too uneven and unbalanced to have just one removed. 
I have so many worries on how to make this decision on top of the general stress of being diagnosed with breast cancer and what it means for me and my family. 
Thank you. I hope there is someone who can chat with me about these options. I don't know how much time I have to make this decision but I want to have as many information as possible so I can avoid regret. 
  • Hi  and welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I didn't have to make this decision, as I had a lumpectomy, but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and proposed treatment into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Anki,

    My experience is a bit different to yours, but maybe in some way it helps. I had bc in 2021 and after several operations and a bunch of treatment, I found out in 2022 that I had a faulty brca1 gene and so was advised that a double mastectomy was the best way to reduce my risk of bc in the future. Since I had had a lot of radiotherapy, I was advised to wait one year after the end of my treatment before having a mastectomy which happened in 2023. I felt very lucky to have this year of thinking time because it allowed me to breathe and really think and evaluate what the best option for me was. I opted for no reconstruction in the end and I couldn't be happier with my choice. I had 3 operations during my cancer treatment and a bit like yourself, I was tired of constantly recovering and part of my decision was definitely about having a quicker, more straight forward recovery. Now I feel very free and happy with no complications and I can get on and live my life.

    It's so hard that you have to make such a big decision so quickly, when you've already got so much else on your plate and your body is tired. I think a single mastectomy is very different to a double one due to the unevenness, but I wanted to highlight that the time helped me a lot. Maybe a delayed reconstruction gives you a bit more time to think about things and fully make up your mind? There's no right or wrong choice, the 'ideal' scenario is that we don't have to face this at all, but ultimately it's about whatever you are the most comfortable for you and your body.

    I wish you the best of luck with everything!


  • Hi Anki 

    I had a single mastectomy yesterday without reconstruction. I’ve been advised to have my reconstruction in a year or 2. 
    I wanted the reconstruction straight away but after speaking with my consultant I understood the reasons why they wanted me to wait for the reconstruction. I might in a year decide I don’t want the reconstruction, although it’s strange looking in the mirror with only one breast but I have plenty of time to consider my options like you I just wanted it over and done with.

    Hopefully a year down the line I will be stronger and fitter than I am now and will recover quickly if i choose a reconstruction.

    I’m not sure how I will feel when I get my prosthesis but im just taking each day as it comes. 

    Discuss it with your family and the breast nurses and hopefully you will make the decision that it right for you. 
    sending you big hugs and positive vibes. 

  • I had a single mastectomy without reconstruction in April. Unfortunately I wasn’t given the choice as I was pregnant at the time and they didn’t want me to have a long operation. I’ve now adjusted quite well but I do have to be careful what I wear now. I may have a reconstruction down the line or may not want to go through another major operation and to have more scars. 

  • I had an implant and I like my new breast a lot and looking forward to having my healthy breast reduced to be the same size. I 6 weeks post surgery and starting to feel a lot better in the breast area x

  • Hi Anki

    I'm week 3 after having a single mastectomy and implant reconstruction, no regrets , a bit uneven but overall very pleased. it is a bit painful recovering and a longer op but I felt I didn't want another procedure down the line. I wish you all the best x 

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their thoughts and experience!

    I have gone around in circles a few times, and am still not sure how and when I will make a decision. The someone like me service seems really helpful and your thoughts too. 

    For me due to long term back issue concerns I feel like I should opt for reconstruction. Currently I am not sure whether I could cope with the flap reconstruction as it's so invasive and recovery time is long, and thinking an implant could be a good solution to have something to balance me and I could go either way in the future if I can't get on with it. 

    This would be my first operation. And partly I think I am just afraid of not being happy after or scared of having made a mistake.

    For those who have chosen implants... How did you choose this? Were you given the flap reconstruction choice?

    How does the implant feel??

    So many questions and doubts in my head. I think maybe if I had a year, I would feel better. But the nurse said if I chose an implant now future diep flap recon would be easier. 

    None of this is appealing like some of you said. Ideally this wouldn't happen at all. And in the end its all about getting the cancer out. 

    Thank you all again!! 

  • Hope you feel 100% soon.

    Were you given a recon choice? Does it feel very different?

  • I am glad this is starting to feel better. How did you make the choice and does it feel very different?

    I would be uneven after too and was given reassurance that I could reduce the other one at some point. 

    I am worried about my body rejecting it but find the operation time and recovery better than the flap reconstruction solution. Not sure if I am just a coward... I don't Looe the thought of being in hospital for long. 

    Was it's very painful?

    Thank you! 

  • hi Anki , I was offered go flat or a silicone implant, not using my own stomach for implant.  I am getting happier by the day with my choice, Today I took a photo of myself in a sports bra and it loGrins very natural.  Long way to go for healing, bruising and tightness is sore but worth it for me. I had nipple removed but , no choice, but I'm ok without that little beastie Grin