Grade 2 with positive sentinel lymph nodes

  • 7 replies
  • 10 subscribers


I was diagnosed with a grade 1 1.5cm er positive her2 negative, my ultrasound scan showed no node involvement, breast cancer in September. I've recently just has a lumpectomy and sentintal lymph node removal. 

This week I had my results and they came back with clear margins, which is great but they found a small number of cancer cells in 3 of the five sentinel nodes (3 showed up after radioactive injection so surgeon thought she only took 3). The cancer is actually a grade 2 and 2cm but same ER and HER2. 

I now need to have a CT scan and bone scan and to ensure no other spread to distant organs. I'm just so so worried that there is from anyone else's experience is this common or unlikely due to being a slower spreading type of cancer and a small lump?

D xx

Thank you for your help.

  • Hi  

    I'm not a member of this group but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    While you're waiting for replies it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello D 

    this is actually my first post on the forum I was looking 

    for feedback as I saw my oncologist today to discuss 

    my chemo treatment and I was interested in hearing anyone’s experiences of EC chemo and Docetaxel 

    although I was also offered the optima clinical trial 

    and now I am very conflicted ! if anyone wishes to post on there experience it would be great ! 

    Getting back to you D I posted back to you as I was I  your position 9 weeks ago 

    I had a lumpectomy and they took 6 lymph nodes for testing 

    I was told 2/6 lymph nodes are positive for cancer 

    and I had the CT scan and bone scan 

    the bone scan was not to bad I wasn’t overstruck on the 

    CT but the staff were brilliant it will be a worry for you 

    whilst you await your results but hopefully you’ll be ok 

    I was with 2 /6 and my Breast tumour was 4 cm  I then went on to have all the lymph nodes out I found the second op much harder and I have to have physio this week on my arm

    did they take a sample of lymph nodes for testing or all of them at once on your first op ? 

    your situation sounds similar to mine and I was clear it hadn’t spread from the lymph node site  so yours maybe unlikely  to have spread further if this helps you ? 

    I am hoping you will have a good result also 

    you can’t help but worry I did a lot of crying in this 

    period … 

    I feel for you D let me know how you get on 
    sending you positive vibes xx 

  • Thanks for your reply and hope you're doing okay.

    My surgeon only took 5 full sentinel nodes and  as far as I know I don't need to go back for more out, unless anything shows on the scans maybe.

    Great you had no spread, fingers crossed the same for me.

    Just a scary time and surreal that this is all happening.

    Will let you know how I go and positive vibes to you too!


  • Hello D 

    yes please do let me know how you get on 

    and what your next treatment plan is 

    wishing you all the best xx

  • Hello D 

    just wondered how you were getting on and if you had any updates and how you were feeling 

    i had my first chemo session last week 

    i have a bit of sickness constipation tiredness 

    but so far i am ok i still have 5 to go yet though ! 

    Take care and all the best x 

  • Hi Peterbudgie,

    Thanks for thinking of me!

    I just had my first oncology appointment yesterday where they told me my ct scan was all clear :) as was my bone scan! So nice to get some positive news!

    I seen you other post about the optima trial and my oncologist actually told me it wasn't for me due to being pre menopausal. He did explain the reason but I'm so bad at retaining info in these meetings so I'm sure my hubby would know! I already decided to go for chemo anyway so was grateful that the oncologist was in agreed and the decision wasn't left for me.

    So I start 8 treatments of chemo in around 7 to 10 days. 4 lots of EC and then 4 lots of paclitaxel, 1 treatment every 2 weeks so 16 weeks in total then a host of other treatments after!

    Never thought it would ne so happy to start treatment and have all the scans and the waiting for results to be behind me. Still waiting on genetics to come back.

    Well done for starting your first treatment. We are quite close for our chemo sessions then! I hope the sickness subsides a little for you. I am nervous for the chemo but know it needs to be done.

    My oncologist said to me yesterday that it's extremely likely you are cancer free right now so chemo is not for treating the cancer but to prevent it. Which I thought was nice.

    Amazing how far we have come already. I never thought if you told me what was to come in 5 months I would keep going but here we are Slight smile

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment. I'll let you know how my first one goes!


  • Hello D 

    thats ok i know your kind of on my journey but a bit behind 

    great news it hadn't spread that is one thing to be thankful for fabulous news 

    ok it will all become very real

    for you know just try to get everything you need done while you can 

    i actually had a nice time on my session it was good to chat to people who were all going through  it 

    when you have your first session go straight to bed i didn't as i felt ok and a few hours later 

    i passed out and was sick 

    ( A Lesson for my next session ) ask when you can start taking your sickness tablets try and start as soon as you can 

    i didn't take them till the next day which i think caused my sickness 

    you may be constipated so get medication in and  start as soon as you can as the bloating makes you feel bad 

    i had a pic line put in you have  to get it cleaned every week the procedure is fine just showering is a pain as you cant wet it 

    i am on EC and apart from above is it not to bad 

    you will have a dedicated number you can ring if you have any questions they help 

    get your thermometer in its useful to keep check of your temperature i got the braun one in tesco 

    Hope this helps you will be ok is just the next steps to get you and i back to full health 

    take care let me know how you are when you feel up to it xx positive vibes to you