What happens at the first appointment for the tests?

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Ok so I’m 31, just had a beautiful baby girl 4 months ago. Two months ago noticed sharp pains in my breast when moving, couldn’t find the source of pain, as the two months passed the pain changed to an ache pain and I can now locate the pain. I went to my gp she felt around and felt an area of thickening which was the area that hurts to touch but it’s deep inside so she’s sent an urgent referral to the Brest clinic, my appointment is 7th March, what will happen at my appointment? Is everyone working there females? Will I be able to wear skinny jeans or would they need removed if I need an x ray ? I’m so worried and confused I plan on going alone whether anyone can tell me if they went alone and that was better? How long does it usually take as my letter says 3 hours 

  • Hi   sorry you find yourself here, everyone here knows how scary this is. I can’t speak for every hospital but for mine, I was told to take off my bra and just wear my top (or their gown if you prefer) all the nurses were female and the appointment went pretty quick. It depends what they find & where it is but initially you will see a doctor (mine was male but I didn’t care at that point, I just wanted to know!) then you will be sent for a mammogram and potentially other tests like ultrasound. I had biopsies taken as well. At the end the doctor will see you again to speak about the results. I wasn’t expecting to find out but I had my diagnosis on this day and went on my own, if you can bring someone with you, I would. Even if (fingers crossed) it’s nothing, you might find the relief is emotional. At my unit only females were allowed in so perhaps a good friend or relative. 

    wishing you the best of luck xx 

  • Hi  , very sorry you are here. But always early detetction either way is crucial. At the breast unit almost all nurses were only females, but the doc and or radiologist could be male( I did not really care anyway). Mamogram is a strange experience, you will be asked to take off your upper body clothes and the nurse will guide you for an appropriate position. it will be quick though. Depending on the location of your pain, the mamogram itself will help detect. For me, since mamogram could not detect much due to the location of my lump, i was immediately scanned by radiologist and biopsy was done too. A breast surgeon saw me on that day itself and they also conveyed the results from the scan. Bioposy results will come only in a week or so(i think). It is better if you can to take someone with you. I went alone and it was very difficult, especially to drive back... 

    Best Wishes and Take care. 

  • Hi, I'm sorry that you are worried and confused, and I can understand completely. It's good to get these things checked out, but 90% of referrals turn out to be nothing to worry about. As someone else has said, different hospitals have different procedures. I'll write about mine and you'll see the similarities and differences to give you an idea of what to expect. I found a lump myself just by chance. Firstly, everyone I met was really friendly and kind. They put me at ease, and treated me with respect. They were all female. I went straight to have a mammogram, then ultrasound. The sonographer found the lump, took a biopsy and put in a titanium marker. She said one of my lymph nodes looked a bit "chunkier" than she would expect it to be, so she took a biopsy of that too. Then I saw a doctor who examined me but because there was a dressing over the lump where they had taken the biopsy, she couldn't do a full examination (I understand the usual procedure is to see a doctor and have an examination first). She said the results would take 1-2 weeks and my case would be discussed at the first MDT (multidisciplinary team) meeting after the results had been received. I was asked to attend two weeks later, but this was then changed to a week after that because of "staff absences", so three weeks after my clinic appointment. I was glad that my partner had come with me as I appreciated the support and another pair of ears to take in the information. As I said, the majority of lumps are found to be harmless but I recommend you take someone with you. Be sure to ask what happens next, if they will give you results straight away, or later and how (phone, letter, face to face, etc). I wish you all the best and hope you get the all clear. xx