Pre- assessment appointment for mastectomy

  • 22 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I have a pre assessment appointment booked for the 19th of September for my mastectomy and just wondered in other people's experience how long did you have to wait for your surgery after you had your pre-assessment appointment?

I'm just a bit anxious because I lost my father yesterday and am in the middle of planning his funeral and am worried that my surgery date will clash with his funeral.


  • Hi Ethlyn

    So sorry, only just read your message. Did you have your smx in the end? If you did, I hope everything went well. I was very preoccupied last week as I had my post-op results which turned out to be very good news. No more cancer in my body, lymph nodes completely clear. I'm so relieved. If you have any questions about the smx please ask.

    Sending lots of love and hope the baby is also doing well.

    Jo xx

  • Hey Jo,

    That's alright, oh my goodness that's fantastic news, I'm so unbelievably happy for you x

    I did have my SMX on Thursday just gone. Everything went went, baby did really well too, they showed me baby and baby's heartbeat before and after surgery. 

    So I was discharged the same day without painkillers because there wasn't alot they could give me anyway due to the pregnancy. But surprisingly I haven't needed any x

    I'm just so uncomfortable sleeping upright, so I've ordered an orthopedic cushion set which comes tomorrow so fingers crossed that will give me comfort to sleep x

    I'm getting my drain removed on Tuesday and hopefully I'll get my lymph node results then, I'm not too sure.

    But omg I'm relieved the surgery is over, I just think psychologically it hasn't sunk in yet. I refuse to look and I've had both my mum and fiance help me change my bra so I can look away. I'm not sure if it's my pregnant belly that keeps making my bra roll up and irritate my scar, but I've put maxi pads there to ease the discomfort until I can talk to the nurses.

    Again I'm truly happy for you and I hope you continue to heal beautifully xxx

    Thanks for the hugs...I'm sending some to you too x

    Ethlyn x