Waiting for BRCA test results update

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I'm waiting for my test results (next week) and am now getting quite anxious. I'm 53 and my sister was dx'd when she was 56 with HRE and Triple Neg. She later found out she was BRCA 2. After paying privately for a test this year because of the very long waiting list for NHS testing, I'm glad I did it, but the crunch time is now ahead. Advice on how to manage this before I lose the plot? SOrry if this doesn't quite make sense...I know I can speak to my sister but to be honest I don't want to add to her already huge stress factors (diabetes, septic arthritis - both caused by chemo)...

UPDATE my mum is positive (no cancer history on her side) and I'm positive...off to doctors tomorrow with test results and a request for referral to the breast clinic...

  • Hi noona try to be positive and hope the days pass fast to know the results . Wish you the best and take one step at a time 

  • Thanks. I had a chat with my sister today and bless her, she said she can't imagine how scary it is for me, even though she's had cancer! I've also purposely not told her what day I'm getting them so she doesn't stress and she understands I need the headspace to come to terms with whatever the dx...

  • Hello Noona, I’m sorry to hear about your Brca 2 diagnosis. I would think you’re entitled to lose the plot at times I know I did! If you have any specific questions please let me know. And the MacMillan nurses have been helpful for me to speak to when I was especially worried post surgery.

    Remembering that I didn’t have cancer and that my brca 1 diagnosis enabled me to understand I was at a higher risk and so needed more regular screening has helped. So much about cancer from what I’ve experienced is about catching it as early as possible. Figuring out what was right for me to do and not feeling pressured from others opinions has helped me go through this and have a decent recovery, psychologically and physically.

    Take care of yourself,


  • Thanks. My partner is fabulous and is supportive of whatever I choose. The genetics counsellor called me Friday and has referred me to breast care and gynecology so hopefully I'll hear something soon. Purple heartShe was lovely...apologised for me having to go private, said how ridiculously busy they are and she was retiring this coming week as she could no longer take the pressure of not being able to deliver the level of care people deserve. She also wanted my case to move forward rather than leaving it for someone else. I've decided (pretty much) that I'm going surgery route so am trying to be kind to my boobs and myself...one day at a time, and you're right - I don't have cancer, just more likely than others to get it and I have to remember this. Purple heart