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Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone had a similar experience and some advice.

I went for a breast appointment at the hospital on Saturday and unfortunately whilst I was there they had to take some biopsies. The surgeon then said although we need to wait 1-2 weeks for the results to him it looks cancerous. I can't do anything but think of the worst case scenario. I have an 8 year old and a baby on the way and it is torture. All I do is burst into tears, especially when I'm around my son with the thoughts that I won't see him grow up. I have an anxiety disorder, so I know that has definitely taken over. I'm trying to keep busy, but it's very hard. 

I just don't know how to navigate myself and my thoughts.

Thanks x

  • Hi ButterflyPanda, 

    I just wanted to reach out and say I am feeling the exact same way. I had an appointment last week and a biopsy taken on the day (which I wasn't really expecting to be honest).  I had a text today telling me an appointment has been made with 'breast surgery' next week.  I can't help but fear the worst and every minute of the day I am absolutely terrified.  

    I have an 18 month old and we were about to start planning to have another- I can't bear the thought of what this might all mean.  

    I guess all I can say is you aren't alone.  Try to stay strong. xx

  • Hi 6852,

    Thank you so much for reaching out, that means a lot.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me and I definitely feel a little better knowing that I am not alone. 

    I think naturally as humans we fear the worst, but you are right and I will try to stay strong and positive.

    Mum bless her has got me loads of colouring books, puzzles, literally every distraction you can think of.

    I did a vision board on the weekend with my son and that has helped me stay positive aswell. I'm going on holiday in three weeks and I've decided whatever will be will be and I will cross that bridge if and when it comes to it.

    Please stay strong too and if you ever need to chat or vent I'll be here too.

    Best wishes x

  • Morning butterfly panda,

    As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I know exactly how you’re feeling; I had just gone back onto Sertraline (after a huge anxiety attack) 2 weeks before I then found the breast lump. 

    My anxiety has been way up and down since. The waiting in between appointments is absolutely the worst. Try to stay busy: walks, puzzles, reading, taking your son out, to try and keep your mind busy and the anxiety at bay.

    You will calm and feel better once you know your treatment/plan and things are happening. X

  • Hi Ruthy,

    Thank you so much for your support. I found out the day before I went on holiday that I have stage 1 breast cancer. I'm having to have a mastectomy as I'm pregnant, but to be honest I'm more worried about the recovery aspect and the pain from that. My surgeon is wonderful and has given me great reassurance that once the surgery is done I should be cancer free, but obviously can't have anymore children after this one, which is fine, but having had 3 miscarriages before falling pregnant has me extremely anxious about this baby inside of me. I am optimistic, but those thoughts just keep creeping up. Xxx

  • Have you joined any support groups? Do you have a Maggie’s centre near you? I’ve just started going to a young woman with cancer group - it’s once a month - and I met a lady there who was 8 months pregnant when she found out too. I’ve also joined a local group in my area, which is once a week, and these are so great to meet and talk to people face-to-face in the same situations and have a brew. 

    Your surgeon will take fantastic care of you and your baby, don’t worry about that. I had a mastectomy. Stayed in hosp one night and came home without the drain in. Recovered really well. Was up and about doing little bits fairly quick.

    Couple of tips: don’t drive (even if you feel ok, my hubby was strict about this and I didn’t for the recommended 2 weeks, which I think really helped, and then he came with me on a couple of short journeys.) Do your arm exercises, and go for little walks - which hopefully you’ll be doing very soon with your lovely, new squishy baba


    ps be honest with your son. I have an 8 & 4 year old and the hosp told me to be truthful with what’s happening. They gave me a book called ‘mummy’s lump,’ which I shared and they’ve bone been fantastic. Worried at times, but much more resilient than I could have ever imagined. X  

  • Ooh no I haven't just yet as I just came back from Egypt yesterday (which to be honest is what I needed) but I plan too. Awww thank you so much for the tips, but especially the one about telling my son as I wasn't sure when or how to tell him. Ooh thanks for the book recommendation I'll check it out X thank you that makes me feel so much better X I've got so much to do I've just started a new job and I need to let my housing association know as where I live is not ideal. 

    Thank you x

  • Hi Ruthy

    Thank you so much for the book recommendation, my son reacted so well to it. Ive also joined the buddy system and I'm so glad that I did. I've connected really well with my buddy and it has been a positive thing in my life. I have a pre-assessment booked for the 19th of September, how long after your pre-assessment did you have to wait for your surgery appointment?


  • That’s brilliant, butterflypanda, the book just explains it in a lovely child-friendly way, I felt. It’s helped both my girls understand a bit more.

    I was very fortunate that it all moved very quickly for me. I got the results of my biopsy on the 3rd June, pre-surgery assessment was the 5th June and I was in surgery on the 13th June. Chemo started on the 6th August. I just had my 3rd round yesterday. 

    Hope you’re ok and your anxiety is keeping a low profile. X

  • Ah that's so good that yours was nice and speedy. They said it is taking longer because I am pregnant and I need the right specialist team at st Thomas'. It's weird ever since I received my diagnosis my anxiety has lowered dramatically although I'm a little anxious as my dad passed away yesterday and I'm in the middle of planning his funeral and now I'm worried that it will clash with my surgery.
