BRCA2 positive

  • 5 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hi guys,

After my mum getting cancer around 2 years ago she had her BRCA2 test and was positive, the same with myself.

it’s quite a scary thing, I normally put it to the back of my mind but recently I’ve been thinking about it and it is quite daunting.

im only 24 so nothing starts for me until I’m 27 which gives me plenty of time to think, but it’s quite nerve wracking, especially after my mum getting cancer for the 2nd time a month ago. 
She had preventative surgery and unfortunately they said she had cancer already, and it had spread around her stomach and womb, surgery next week. 
I get worried I’ll inherit how prone she seems to be to it! I don’t know if that’s logical but it is quite scary. I’ve only just found this page so hopefully it helps :) 

  • I had my BRCA consultation and blood test yesterday...and now I wait. Try not to over think things  , stress is not good for anyone.xx


  • Yeah of course, I’m trying not to I guess it just pops up every so often! 
    Thank you xx

  • Hi Han246, I agree it is quite scary but it does get easier with time.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months back after finding a lump and since found out that I have BRAC2 (Age 32). Can I ask why the age 27? Only my sister has also just found out that she has BRAC2 at 25 and she has been told that she will have to wait to have screening until she is 30. I am upset about this as cancer doesn't care what age you are and my risk and her risk of getting cancer at our ages (according to the geneticist) is about 6%... so if our risks are the same why won't they put her in for routine scans?!.

    I hope this forum will reduce your concerns, with time it gets easier.... you learn to live with it and realise that you are lucky to have options and a head-start. My grandmother died from her breast cancer back in 1970, so I know I am lucky in comparison as science has moved on a long way.

    I am sorry that your mum's cancer has returned, how is she doing now? Will she be given chemotherapy? I am part way through mine so if you have any questions just shout, I will be happy to help however I can.


  • Hello, thankyou so much! 
    I’m so sorry to hear that, I hope you’re doing okay. Here if you ever need to chat! 
    They have put mine down to 27 due to the risk in my family, after talking with the genetics counsellor and them going through my whole family history, both mum (having cancer twice now) , aunty and nearly every other woman on my mums side, they brought my forward to 27. My lifetime risk is 70% but I’m not sure of the percentage at the moment they never told me. 
    it is horrible that all of us have to wait though, cancer doesn’t discriminate and it doesn’t matter if we have to wait until then it could happen at any time! It’s all money in my opinion they would lose too much. 
    I agree we are very lucky to have the science we do now and it is constantly evolving so we’re getting the best help and prevention.

    My mum is okay, she had her operation on the 28th, they think they may have found it elsewhere so we’re waiting for results on the 24th then she’ll start her chemo in about 11 weeks time. 
    thank you I appreciate it!

    Always here if you need a chatBlush x

  • Hi Han246,

    My diagnosis has given me the option to take control and look at preventative measures in the future. I unfortunately had to go through cancer and treatment. But now I have been on Olaparib and have surgeries coming up to ensure I have done everything I can to prevent further cancers.

    Take care and think of it as a positive to be in control!
