BRCA test

  • 3 replies
  • 7 subscribers

I've just been given the date for my BRCA test. 22/12. I was very much in favour of having it done when it was suggested to me by the oncologist. Mother had breast cancer, sister too, she had a double mastectomy, older brother died bowel cancer. Now that I've been given the date, I'm quietly wondering if I should go ahead. Just wanted to get it said, because these are thoughts I am keeping to myself at the moment.

  • Hi

    I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer from a routine mammogram earlier this year. I mentioned about being tested to my surgeon as my younger sister had DCIS 5 years ago and I have a cousin who also had breast cancer. She said that she'd refer me to the relevant team and they would get in touch if they thought I needed to be tested.

    Now I haven't heard anything since this was mentioned in May and I'm not sure whether to chase this to see if I was ever referred or just to forget about it. Like you, I'm not sure if I want to be tested or not.


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  • Hi  it's taken from April until now for me to hear about an appointment, so I know these things take time. I am living in Spain, so things might well be different here than in the UK? It might be worthwhile mentioning to your surgeon that you haven't heard anything?

    Take care

  • Hi Only you can make the decision as to whether you have the test.  I did and I am pleased that I did for the sake of my children and grandchildren.  Is there someone who is neutral who you can talk to? Writing down for and against can also help. 

    All the best with your decision making.
