Risk reducing surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hi, I am awaiting a date for a double mastectomy after finishing 6 rounds of chemo. I am worried that a delay in this op could increase my risk of a new tumour forming. I’d like to find some info regarding how long a wait is considered safe and wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction?

I feel like I may be panicking after finishing chemo but having the BRCA 1 diagnosis does make you feel very vulnerable and at times I’m not convinced the oncologists or surgeons fully understand that. 

Any advice appreciated.


  • FormerMember


    Have you had any feedback / updates about how your tumour(s) have shrunk or been affected by the chemo so far ?

    A lot of your healthy normal cells are also wiped out during chemo so they usually wait 4-6 weeks post chemo before surgery to get those back up to more normal levels.

    Do contact them to ask if a date has been confirmed - When was your last chemo session ?

    Hugs, G n' J

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Dreamthief

    My last chemo was on the 31 October and I am still feeling the effects weirdly, so I do get the having to wait 4-6 weeks. My surgeon has told me the op will be the end of January which makes me a little apprehensive as that will be 12 weeks.

    whilst the tumour was small there was another one forming in the milk duct and it was categorised as level 3 so aggressive. However, they told me the margins were clear with no spread, fingers crossed they’re right. I suppose knowing I have BRCA 1 as well as TN I am scared of a new tumour forming whilst I wait for my ops. To be honest the only reason I know I am BRCA 1 is because I went to a genetic counsellor independently as they hospital refused to test me even though my dad’s side of family were wiped out by this disease. My confidence in them has been dented a little.

    Perhaps I am over reacting to the timescale of having to wait double the normal time because I am scared just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience.

    Thanks Dreamthief
