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Hello, I lost my husband just over two weeks ago, we have 3children 13, 17 and 20 and I am trying so hard to be strong for them but I miss him so much. I am going through the motions each day but feel numb and then when I am on my own I feel so sad and lost.  What I’d give to have a little more time with him.

My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer a year ago but it was an extremely rare and aggressive form. He was doing really well following chemo and we hoped he’d have a long time but then all of a sudden he went downhill and passed away within 3weeks. 

We have so much support around us but I just want to shut myself away and not see anyone, people don’t truly understand when they haven’t been through it. I don’t have anyone around me who has. I know I am so lucky to have this support but it’s also exhausting and overwhelming. 

He was such a positive and cheerful person and was loved by everyone and I don’t want to let him down either. 

I know what I am feeling is probably all normal but it would be good to speak with others who have been through this and understand. 

  • I’m so sorry for your loss. Of course you will feel all the emotions you are grieving for yourself and your children and I can’t imagine how much you miss him. I am so sad for you. I’m not sure if this offers any comfort at all but I remember a colleague of mine lost her husband and she once said 'this will not be my life' by this she meant that she will not let the grief take over and go on to live a full life making new memories and becoming happy again. I know it’s hard right now for you to imagine those things but in time I hope it gets easier. He will always be with you and your family watching over you xx

  • I am sorry for your loss. I am 4 weeks into losing my wife and to be honest I am still feeling numb and feel like I am just going through the motions. It sounds like you have a good support in place. I only have a couple of people I can use and they are over hundred miles away, and sometimes they get a bit much about eating etc. So I know how feel about that. Take your time do not be bullied into how you are supposed to feel. Grief is a individual process.  Losing my wife is the worst thing I have ever felt and at the moment I can't say it gets any easier.  It's just one step at a time. I hope you and your children the best in this totally crap time.

  • Dear Racer,

    I’m deeply sorry for your loss and thinking of you and your children during this sad time. 

    Having your three children close and a strong network of support around you will be a comfort—even if that’s something we often only realise later. When my husband passed from esophageal cancer after a four-month illness, my 23-year-old daughter really struggled,  but I think as mothers, we tap into a natural strength, experience, and wisdom that helps us guide our children through these brutal challenges. Again we might only see that when we look back as it is all very confusing in the early days as family dynamics change and we change so much too.

    Shortly after my husband’s funeral I got a flu - which was a blessing in disguise - as I had no choice but to hide in my bedroom for a month and everyone left me alone as naturally they did to want to get it. Only my little dog wanted to still lie at my feet. So our angel husbands do find ways to help us out! Thankfully been in great health since once my doctor prescribed high dosages of Vitamin D.

    For me, it probably took a full year before I could even start thinking about rebuilding my own life. The grief, the kids, and stabilising everything after my beautiful one's sudden illness and death—is all-consuming. So don’t rush yourself. Your cheerful, positive, loving and so-loved by everyone husband is still with you. He knows you, knows that you’re grieving, and understands the depth of this loss. Every feeling you have right now is natural, human, and part of you and your love for each other. 

    Take care

    Love Florence