Another Birthday Gone.

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So, today would have been my dear Jay's birthday he would have been 71 years old. Just another trigger to jolt me back to realising that he is gone. It has been just over 18 months as I may have mentioned here often enough. Some days I now forget he is gone but a day like today reminds so that he actually is. Three days until our son gets married too. He won't be there and it is one day he did hope he would see when my son and his partner began all the planning 3 years ago but of course cancer had other ideas. I know he will be there though many people have told me so maybe not physically but his spirit will be there watching over the proceedings. It will be hard for me I know but I will try my best to enjoy the day is all I can do really. 

Vicky x

  • Tomorrow, Valentines Day, is my beautiful Valen’s birthday.

    I am spending part of the day with family.
    In the evening our best friends and I will have a little gathering.

    Yesterday he had an email from a restaurant in Oxford asking him to confirm the booking he made for tomorrow night. 
    And asking if he still wanted the wedding anniversary cake (we got married on the 12th Feb). 
    My sister in law had to cancel if for me as I couldn’t. I had already cancelled the hotel a few weeks ago.

    It was hard enough yesterday for our anniversary.

    I am dreading tomorrow. 

  • Hello little Scottish person.

    I do understand and am thinking of you. Good luck with everything.

    Big hugs to you.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • I will be thinking of you, and sending you healing thoughts for the day. Your love was beautiful, and although the day will be emotional nothing can take away your love for each other. Sending kindness and hugs. Kate. Xxx

  • Hello I hope you find the strength to feel some joy at your sons wedding. This bereavement experience is horrific, exhausting and feels never ending and it's only been 3 months for me.

    I know you will miss him but he would want you to be happy. Wishing you all the best xx