How long do you grieve?

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My husband died almost 5 months ago of sepsis while being treated for oesophageal cancer. His death was sudden and traumatic, and arguably avoidable. We had been together for almost 40 years: married, raising a family and working together. I find myself dwelling on his final hours and questioning what I could have done to get him effective treatment earlier. He didn't have obvious signs of an infection and it took over seven hours to get antibiotics administered when it became clear to me that he wasn't just suffering from side-effects of chemo. The guilt and sense of loss have, if anything, amplified. I read it takes six months to recover. Really? How have others coped?

  • My husband died 2 months ago from sepsis whilst receiving treatment for lung cancer. His treatment was going well until he  suddenly deteriorated and I was told that no more could be done medically. I still don't understand why this happened. He,was being seen by district nurses every day to check on a pressure,sore but I had no idea he,was that ill and no one prepared me. It is horrific. I have lost my best friend and my everything.

    I have no idea how to recover from this. I am taking one day at a time but it is,such hard work.

    I am so sorry for your situation and send you love and Hope we can both find a way through. XX