Loss of my wife

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

It's been a while  since I've been on here I'm still feeling low some days I still miss my wife still haven't  sorted out her clothes ,not sure I'm ready to do it , i miss her smile laugh  and her tBroken heartch the house is so empty without her Broken heart

  • Hello Andrew, 

    I’m not surprised you’re still getting low days after the loss of your beloved Jean. 

    The loves of our lives have left our sides. 
    The bed is empty. The empty space on the sofa. 
    The meals for one. 
    The space next to you on your walks. 

    It’s only been 9 weeks for me, but I can see this is going to be a very very long process with no end in sight. 
    At least, not the end I want. Which is my beautiful Valen holding my hand, stroking my hair behind my ear.

    I have a teeny tiny piece of him in my necklace, so I do feel that he is somehow physically with me. 
    I move his casket into the bedroom with me at night and into the conservatory during the day. 
    So I feel he is with me to chat to, take to task, ask advice.

    He had his wedding ring resized for me to wear with his. I love that he did that.

    I hope that you are having more better days than not so great days.


  • I got my wife's wedding ring design on my arm do she is on for all time