A tiny light moment

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

In amongst all of the crushing darkness, pain, ache and unbearable, unending sadness and anger - 

Today I had a moment of light that I would like to share with you.

I went for a walk in a wood we never went to together. 
I felt calm enough to tune in to the wood sounds. 
I listened to the wind in the trees. 
Some light rain on the leaves. 
The different birds. 
The sound my feet made scuffing up leaves.

I sat on a conveniently placed bench, closed my eyes and just for a moment everything was ok.

A quiet noise made me open my eyes. 
A robin was sat there on a fence watching me. 
He cocked his head to me and sang to me. 
We had a little chat, he bobbed at me and flew off into the bushes.

I had a “good” cry until a dog bounded up saying hello. 
The owner came up, an elderly gentleman. 
He said “it gets you unawares doesn’t it. Be kind to yourself”. 
He must have heard me and waited till I’d finished before he approached.

I wanted to share this moment of lightness in the bleakness.

I'd welcome anyone else’s moments Heart


  • How beautiful and precious. I am so pleased you had this experience. Nature is a healing force, and I try to spend as much time as I can outside. We have a robin that comes to visit in our garden regularly. I do see it as my husband checking on us. We can’t explain everything. Xxx

  • Oh hello I understand that . Mrs VT, glad you shared that with us. It helps doesn't it ? Small things, but pretty big to us.

    I remember, not long after Barry died, I was sitting feeling miserable in the Cafe, and watched a family chatting. One man had a striking resemblance to Barry's brother. I engaged in a bit of chat with the daughter, but on leaving, this man came up to me and said your husband is ok. He sends you this message. Wow !! It felt ok. Right somehow. I get little signs from time. Barry used to drive a Land Rover. Over the years he had about 40 !! Since he died, I keep spotting them. Never before, in all these years here. Why ? I don't question it. Just wave and shout hi Barry !!!!

    Thinking of you too. 

    Big hugs 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • That's a lovely story - and a very nice reaction from the gentleman who spoke to you: he gave good advice.

    Nothing can heal the pain - but knowing that other people do care is a comfort.

    You are among friends here. I send you love and best wishes.