My husband of 26 years

  • 13 replies
  • 32 subscribers

My husband just lost his battle to cancer he passed last week I was his carer for a year and now he’s gone  I don’t know what to do how to feel the emptiness is a battle what do I do hope do I cope without him 

  • I don’t have answers but just want to say that you are not alone. My amazing husband passed a month ago, and I am feeling exactly the same as you. I cared for him for the past year, and he fought so so hard to stay. I feel broken and lost. Sometimes everything is completely surreal and I can’t quite believe it’s happened. Sometimes I manage to feel grateful for the time we had and that we had a chance to say all we wanted to. The tears come in waves and I just feel despair that he’s gone. I’ve struggled to let my emotions out in the past, but I’m trying hard to stay open, and just ride the ebb and flow. Let each emotion come, kind of acknowledge it and tell myself it’s all part of the process of grieving. Early days for both of us. Sending you strength and hope. 

  • Wow so we are feeling the same emotions despair being the biggest and I feel empty without purpose thank you for getting in touch it really helps letting it all out it’s a unlike anything I’ve ever nown it’s his ceremony today no funeral his wishes so all my strength is needed today sorry for your loss as well raw for you too sending love and strength back to you let’s stay strong together Heart

  • Hello 

    We are all in the same boat unfortunately. Your post is heartfelt and we feel your pain and loss. You just keep going and focus on one thing at a time. Look after yourself.

    I am thinking of you today. 

    Hugs are needed.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "