Wife recently passed away

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi there, I am totally new here and looking for advise on coping! My Wife Beat Breadt cancer (or so we thought) 6 years ago, but after being poorly around Christmas time, and being told twice by a GP that she was drinking to much because a blood test had showed her liver enzymes were high and sent away, eventually I took her to A & E and she was admitted to hospital where they discovered the breast cancer was back, and had spread to her liver lungs and bones. This news was given to us on valentines day! She passed away 2 weeks ago. We have been married for 38 years and always been best mates, we have 3 grown up sons, one lives at home, but I am totally in a daze, we loved caravan touring holiday but dont know if I will ever go again. We have one Grandson who we both adore, but our first Grandaughter was born the day after my wife died. It was her goal to survive long enough to meet her, she was one day short. The funeral is next week, I am struggling and looking for possitives but cant see any. I know its very early days, but I can't see a future

  • Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your wife. Such a shame she never got to see her Granddaughter, you will have to tell her all about her Grandmother and what a wonderful person she was. I know how you feel not seeing a future, i feel exactly the same, as i am sure a lot of other people feel. Without the person you love by your side it is the hardest thing i have ever done. When you are home alone you feel you are the only one to have lost your partner, you know that is not the case but you feel it anyway. The day of husbands funeral, i wasn't sure if i could even go to it, as i had already said goodbye to him twice, the day he was diagnosed, and the day he passed away. I did go in the end and was glad i did as it was just how he would have wanted it. I hope your wife's funeral goes ok next week. Take care,

  • Hi sorry to hear about your loss, how your wife had beaten cancer only for what has happened. My wife had Mestatic Breast Cancer diagnosed in 2014. Which unfortunately moved onto bone on her left hip. She fought it for 9 years, however she deteriorated in late 2022, and this year like your wife the cancer had spread rapidly. She passed away in August. We'd been together 21 years, 12 years married. And only 3 years into marriage got the bombshell after a regular screening. The busy period shortly after someone passing you have a lot of activity and running around including the funeral arrangements. But as things quieten down that is when I found things starting to become challenging. House full of memories, wife not there, etc. We didn't have children. I did take myself off on a holiday to get away from things after the funeral which worked for a while. But I would advise seeing your GP and consider counselling. I've found both to be beneficial but grieving is a difficult period to get through as I'm discovering and will take time to get through. There is no easy solution or pathway to getting through it unfortunately.

  • Hi FORSYB, thanks for replying and for the advise, I think I will go to the GP'S and try to get help. I am hoping that after the funeral I will have another couple of weeks off sick, then try and go back to work, which hopefully will occupy my mind a bit!

  • Hi RegD23. Just be sure you go back to work when you are fully ready and you don't want to do it too early. Maybe a phased return to start? Cheers Forsyb.