Gone too soon

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My husband was diagnosed with mesothelioma just over two years ago. He started immunotherapy in April. For him it was not the wonderdrug that saved him from early death. The side effects caused his death two and a half weeks ago. 

  • Hi Nina,
    I know what you are going through and I am so sorry to hear that. I really am. My partner was diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid cancer last year. I mean he had a huge tumor on his neck (15 cm in diameter) that required a full thyroidectomy in December 2022. Then we found out that the cancer is very aggressive. Chemo and radiotheraphy that he went through in Feb-March did not help and he was found with at least 8 tumors on the lungs (that's what doctors saw on the scans). Apparently, they were trying some treatments on what they got out of him and an experimental therapy did not even work -  it killed the 'bug' for a few minutes but then it woke up and mutated to become even more aggressive. We were devastated, as even though we knew that there is not a lot that can be done, we were hoping for the best and for the chemo to slow down the cancer. He was really strong though it and I am proud of my man and how he was fighting and trying to keep up as long as he could. I hope he is in a better place now and not suffering now. He passed away on the 3rd of September at the age of 38 and I miss him every day. He was my best friend and my safe place. I hope that you will find your peace Nina <3.

    With Love,
    W. <3

  • Hi Nina

    First of all I want to say I’m so sorry about your husband, and the sadness you are facing. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2021 which was “query mesothelioma “ and was incurable and inoperable. We both knew it would eventually be proven to be mesothelioma as he worked in an asbestos factory for 12 years from 1967 till 1979. 
    He was treated with combination chemotherapy and immunotherapy which had little impact and which caused him several severe immune related reactions (hepatitis and pneumonitis). His treatment was stopped in May 2022 as the cancer had grown and spread to his abdominal lining and he passed away in September 2022. He was only 69 years old. The post mortem and inquest confirmed he did have mesothelioma and the inquest concluded that the cause of death was Industrial Disease. 
    I hope you have been able to get some support from a local mesothelioma group or asbestos victim support group. I found that as many people don’t know what mesothelioma is it was good to be able to ring and know that I was speaking to someone who had the expertise to give us advice. 
    I hope that you will reach out to these groups if you are not already aware of them. Facing the post mortem and inquest only added to my grief and I would say don’t be afraid to ring up and ask the coroners officer any questions you have about your case. 
    If you want to read my profile just click on my name. 

    I’m here if you want to ask anything as it’s a cancer that few people are aware of and it’s so often advanced before diagnosis. 