Feeling irritable

  • 11 replies
  • 28 subscribers


Just a little request of you ? I am feeling irritable with others at the moment, which isn't like me at all. I find this unnerving but is maybe just another grief symptom ?

Talking, or not as it happened, to some friends the other day, about inconsequential subjects, I closed down, muttering a few choice words. They looked at me in surprise.

Even when I said I was having a bad day, nothing registered with them. 

It is so hard sometimes. I try to not bottle things up and sometimes it just rushes out in irritation and even anger. 

All tiring dealing with people that just don't get it. Got caught up in a bank scam recently too, which dealt me a severe lesson. Keep alert. Was feeling very vulnerable and wham they found me.

Rant over, but NEVER with you all here ! This is the only one I go on and feel safe and comfortable.

Hugs to all.

  • Hi Fifinet sending some huge big hugs your way.Hugging


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  • Hey! Fifinet! 

    You're right! this is the best place to come when you want to vent or let off steam. Grief I suppose affects people in different ways. There are things I find myself doing that I probably would never have done before. I lost my husband in June this year and am just sort of starting to get myself together to the extent I sometimes find I `forget` he's no longer here but then something will happen that reminds me that he is very much so not here. With me it's crying I feel as though I can't and I want to but it doesn't happen so I suppose my rage will be coming out in other ways and I may not realise it. It's the little things as I have posted before that I miss not having someone to laugh with or someone to discuss things with and we used to wind each other up terribly and I miss that too He was my best friend and soulmate of 40 years. Some days it still feels so surreal that he is not here. I just hope in time things will get better as they say. Best Wishes. 

    Vicky x

  • Hi Fifinet 

    I think your irritation is normal.  I'm often irritated with people and as you say it's exhausting with people who just don't get it or don't even acknowledge your situation/bad day.

    Just last week I got into a heated debate with a friend about perhaps being a bit more considerate and he took offence and felt attacked! Made it all about him! He's also very good at catastrophising his problems almost like he's in competition with me about how awful things are, yet though I understand everyone has problems, his are nothing compared to mine. He just has no clue or even asks as its always about him and his problems. So I've decided I'm not going to try to make people understand, I will just listen and not say what I really think, this is hard for me as I'm the type of person who does say what I think, but I'm tired...doesn't change anything anyway.

    Don't be hard on yourself, you feel what you feel.

    Hope you were reimbursed for the scam. Awful!

    Take care

  • Hello again 

    Just listening to a song of George Benson. Everything must change. Nothing stays the same. True I think.

    Thank you for your last message. About others that are so wrapped up in themselves and ME, Me, Me . They don't know how we are, it really is better to keep quiet and remove yourself gently from the fray !!!! 

    I am still battling with the scam by the way, and maybe a reimbursement. French though, so it takes forever.

    Concentrate on yourself and as George Benson says "never give up on the good things, do what makes YOU happy "

    Hard sometimes though I know.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hi fifinet!

    Yes I think we know a few of the `Me Me Me` people you talk about. They are `so sorry for your loss` but they will have more important things to worry about like what kind of new car they should by or what colour scheme they should paint the house and some just don't get it. They don't get it until it hits them square in the face and then think everyone should be there for them. Love George Benson songs. Used to listen to him a lot years ago and great if you have `Alexa` and just shout out a song for it to play and you can just sit and listen to a favourite song from an artist if you are trying to recall a memory or time in your life. This is hard for us all going through this and its good we can come one here and realise we are all going through the same thing and can relate to one another. I wish us all peace and happiness in the coming days and months. Take Care. 

    Vicky xx

  • Hi Fifinet,

    I hope the scam situation sorts itself out. It's just something else that nobody ever needs 

    I'm irritable too again it seems. I wonder if it's the darker nights creeping in? 

    What has annoyed me is that more than one person has said to me that "structure" in my life is what I need. Oh, I've had to bite my tongue!

    Take care,


  • Hello to all and WDJ 

    Something positive for a change !! Got reimbursed from the scam last month.  ! am amazed and in French terms this is an achievement. I struggled with it and felt stupid that it had happened. Wanted to share it with you !!

    As for needing "structure" in your life. Not a very good comment I would say. I would have been p........sed off as well.

    Maybe turn it around ? Is the person really talking about themselves ? I have been trying this lately, and it is not bad at all . Takes the heat off a little on us. This is what I do when people ask me if I am bored !

    Take care 

    Have a hug 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hi Fifinet,

    That's great news and such a relief.

    To add another positive experience, I was listening to a song in the car yesterday which I hadn't done so for a long time; it took me straight back to one of our very first telephone conversations in 1993 when it was playing in the background. I remember to this day that conversation. 

    We get these positive moments in amongst all the negative ones and need to cherish them when they appear. It brought a smile to my face. 

    Take care,


  • So pleased you got reimbursed and sorted. Slight smile

  • Ah great news! Well done on getting reimbursed. Onwards and upwards. 
