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  • 27 subscribers

Just a quick email to see how everyone on this forum is doing?? Seems not have been much activity here and I usually alternate between this forum and the Bowel Cancer one. Can't believe it is one whole month since I had my dear husband Jay's funeral and a full 8 weeks since he passed feels much longer than that. Still have my good and bad days well more bad at the minute just trying my best to get on with each day best I can. Things happened that I've wanted to tell him about and  things maybe going to happen that I can't share with him they say they see you `in spirit` but it's just not the same. I miss the banter between us and the wind-ups we used to do to one another and he made me laugh which is something I've not been able to do much of lately. I just go through each day on autopilot and just feel sometimes I'm walking through a fog not actually knowing where or why I am going somewhere or how to be. Got his ashes back and have decided to keep some of them at home. I used to think that was quite creepy or morbid for someone to do but now I do get it, it does give a little bit of comfort and its as if a piece of the person is still with you. I will be scattering the rest in Argyll where we have a static caravan but unfortunately I will need to let that go. Our van was on an owners only site and there was not letting policy so It's an expense with ground fees, water and electric and gas bills I couldn't manage on my own. We haven't been able to be there at all this year because Jay was so ill. It'll be heartbreaking for me to let it go because the setting where it is, is just paradise and he loved it there. I'll have my memories to take away from the place though. I just feel it would be too painful for me to be there without him as it was for both of us to enjoy- a wee bolthole for our retirement we could go to when we liked. I just hope the rest of you are bearing up well on here and hope to see more posts and we can get conversations flowing again. Take Care All


  • Hi. Our time lines are pretty similar. I lost Pete 12 weeks ago and his funeral was 6 weeks ago. Your description of how you feel is the same as me. I know that I am developing anxiety when I go out further than my local area. I find myself crying on buses. I need to decide about going back to work.

    We also had a static caravan that was our bolthole, it was a special place in Brittany. Now that has gone as well.

    So many losses.

    I have started berevement counselling so that may help.

  • I lost my lovely Alison 5 months ago to bowel cancer. She had a terrible time , five months from diagnosis to passing. 
    I thought I’d be ready for it as I knew she was dying in the last couple of months but if anything the grief is getting worse.Still cry every day , can’t focus on much . All my friends and family say I’m doing so well , but no one can really understand. I’m lucky to have 2 amazing sons but they live a long way from home. I try to look after myself, cook every evening and I am training for a marathon but that’s about it life is pretty crap.


  • Yes I am looking into getting some bereavement counselling here. I was receiving some while Jay was going through his treatment at the time it was anticipatory grief I was going through I was just waiting for it to happen though I was constantly in denial that he would be ok and get better but never did. Yes so much you lose when you lose your life partner and not just them. 


  • Mark I can't even cry! I did plenty of it when Jay was going through his treatment I thought I woud never stop and just did at the drop of a hat. Now it's like a numbness and it's as if the pain is just eating away at me inside. It just seems so unreal that he is not here anymore. I wake up every morning and it's the first thing that comes to my mind `he's not here` and I sometimes wonder what I am getting out of bed for but I do it anyway even it does mean I'll stare at 4 walls for most of the day. We had such a good routine before he got ill what we would be doing on what day etc now the days just all roll into one. Yes people tell you you're doing `amazing` and I want to believe that but don't really know if I am. I want to want to do things but just feel the motivation is not there. People keep telling me its still `early days` and at 8 weeks in I suppose it is and it will get better in time which I really hope it will. Take Care. 
