Losing a partner

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Hi beginning of last year my husband was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma,  i spoke to ac lovely man in her and he talked me through what to expect , it really helped someone knowing how my husband was feeling . He coped well with rchop , he was tired after but he had a condition called Hypertuitism which he got tired  with plus the steroids were v stopping him sleeping at night .

In November David rang the bell , we were over the moon , he was still getting tired but not as bad , thought it was Hypertuitism , beginning January he had an adrenal event was admitted to hospital but we had to be in casualty for 14hrs , thru kept him 4 days then let him home but he had ac scratchy throat he was really poorly went to GP he did it was infection , gave him antibiotic by the night his neck was so swollen back to A& E , THEY COULDN'T believe GP hadn't sent him in the morning to be checked , we stayed 14hrs in A&E again,  they admitted him again , that was 17th Jan , 19th Jan they said he'd picked up corona virus from A& E , We're devastated following day i tested positive so no visiting x

They then break the news Cancer is back with a vengence , he ends up with feeding tube they risk Chemo as he's so poorly , lots more went on but 15th February  10 days before he was  due for retirement   he passed away , it's coming up to 6 months and i miss him so much,  we'd been married 45yrs and we did everything together   i never went out on my own after bad anxiety a few yrs ago , he was my strength x

Everyone says I'm coping well I've managed to get bus twice on my own , i see/ speak to our family every day but i just ask David to come for me every night   it's always been him and me .

  • Its so hard isnt it? They leave such a huge gap in our life. I lost my partner 3 months ago after 32 years together. xx

  • Oh Bless you Knitter 22. Your experience is so similar to myself and my husband. He just passed from recurrent bowel cancer on June the 23rd this year. They got all his cut out In January 2022 but five months later in May 2022 it was back with a vengeance also and this time it decided it was taking him. He had no post chemo after his surgery to get the cancer removed although I asked and they said it wasn't necessary. The chemo that followed after the recurrance more or less floored him and at one point damaged his kidneys and had to be stopped completely. That was then followed by 4 bouts of Sepsis where the third time was quite serious and thought he wouldn't pull through then but did but the 4th time between that and the cancer his body just gave in and we lost him on June 23rd and we just held his funeral on the 14th July.  We were together for 40 years. I am lucky in that I have gone back to driving after several years not being able to because of ill health myself. Before he passed he kept at me to take it up again so I could have independence. Like you and your husband it was always us two. While he was going through treatment I just wished that I would go along with him because I just felt if he wasn't going to be here, I didn't want to be either but I have a son and his partner and a wee granddaughter to keep me going plus I have an older sister with learning difficulties who relies on me for some things. She can live independently, but needs me to help her with things in authority and she lives in sheltered accomodation. I reached out to a lot of organisations as well as on here when he was going through treatment because I was so desperate about losing him. I just have an empty lost feeling going on at the minute but try my best just to get on with things. I'm just hoping as the months go on things will get better. Please keep coming on here we are all more or less in the same position and we can all resonate with what everyone is going through. Please take care. 


  • Pattyk   I'm so sorry youve gone through so much , it's so hard isn't it , i do have days better than others but always feel worse at night , none should go through this pain but people tell me you have this great pain because you loved so deep x I don't know how I'd have got through without iour 4 children and extended family x I'm glad you've someone to help you and you've got your sister to keep you going x sending you a big hug x thankyou for your reply .

  • Crystalwitch thankyou so much for your reply , although we have family/ friends doesn't stop you been lonely and they don't know how you feel , so sorry for your loss , sending you a big hug  take care x