
  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

 I have been looking for a support group for younger widows (I’m 45) and can’t seem to find any. I feel like I need to join something to talk with other people in the same boat as myself, my family and friends are my absolute rock but the lose of a spouse is on a different level xx

  • Hi Confused2022

    Firstly so sorry for your loss, i read your post and straight away remember saying almost identical to my grief therapist, the loss i personally feel after losing my Jeni is on a different level, it has been 15 weeks since she was taken from me and i now find myself in complete limbo and an avalanche of grief, i suggested to my therapist that personally i thought groups aimed at all different age groups would be a good idea, im not trying to alienate anyone at all but all of our grief is unique and different from the next, i am 53 and am now in absolute turmoil of my future, Jeni was my whole world and a future without her impossible to imagine, i have the most amazing support around me like you but they simply dont get it, and, neither should they, they have not suffered in this way ( i hope they never do ) so can have no idea on how very lonely and frightening the future is.

    Sending best wishes

  • Hi, does your local hospice have any groups?  I know that some do where you meet with other people who are at the same stage.

    Best of luck

  • Hi thanks for the reply, I’m not sure I will have to look into that, we never had anything to do with the hospice only saw district nurse twice and MacMillan nurse 4 times. We had to figure things out on our own, hubby didn’t want people around who he didn’t know and I respected his wishes so we didn’t have a lot of contact with outside people. 

  • I found the same. I'm also 45, 44 at the time of losing my partner. There's widowed and young but nothing local. I've been to a bereavement group a couple of times, everyone was much older than me which is fine but I felt I didn't have anything in common other than the obvious.

    Happy to talk if you'd like, I read your profile, there are some similarities to your story with mine.

    Sending strength to u x