Today is a sad day

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2 years ago at 5pm was the worst day of my life, Rob and I were told he had weeks to live, it was a bolt out of the blue as we both really believed that we would have more time together.  2 years was the period bandied about originally.

It was worse than the day he died as I expected that to happen and tried to gear myself up for that day. Within a couple of days of being told, Rob began to lose it due to the drugs.  I always wonder whether he just gave up as he couldn't stop the inevitable happening?

So today Ill have to pull up my big girls pants and get on with my day.  

Life can be so cruel

  • Hi, these dates and times never leave our mind,  do they?  When I  see 9.30am (ish) on a Sunday I think,  'this was the start of Colin's last day' then just 12 hours later, he was gone Sleepy

    Big girl pants are always required, but we're stronger people and have got through the bad days so far - we've just got to keep going x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you, Life goes on


  • I get you! I've had to invest in lots of `big girl pants` recently. Just lost my dear husband Jay just over a month ago and it has been absolute hell but as you say BootsyD we just need to try to keep going. Still very raw for me just now but I'll get there I'm sure maybe take a bit of time but hopefully eventually everything will work out ok. It's 7 around 7p.m. on a Friday was my time when Jay passed he passed on the 23rd Jume at 7p.m. roughly you're not actually looking at the time but I'm sure it was then. I find myself recounting the week just now like this week I'm going into my 3rd week since his funeral and he was officially gone (14th July). Yes as you say `tomorrow is another day`. Take Care. 


  • Its been 6 weeks since my baby passed away, sean passed on the 17th of june and we had his funeral on the 27th of july, its bloody hard i feel so lost and lonely x

  • I get you! It's asking yourself why am I even getting out of bed and you just want to pull the duvet back over you but you do get up anyway. Anything and everything you did together is gone and plans you had for the future very cruelly snatched away from you. At the moment I feel I have no future and nothing to look forward to. But I know its the grief thinking for me and hopefully I will bounce back eventually. Yes I just feel so lost too just now. Sending hugs and best wishes to us all going through this. 


  • I remember hating Saturdays at 7.13pm (when Rob took his last breath), It does get easier, I actually dont think about him dying at that time now and I stopped putting 1 week, 2 weeks into the calendar.

    I do still write to him in my notebook when I feel the need.

    Now its the big anniversaries, next is 21 August at 7.13pm Frowning2️

    Take care all of you and remember love is eternal
