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What does one do about the blood sucking sense of loneliness when the last thing you want is to be social? It's overwhelming and the sense of why bother?  You have no one to 'bother' with, to plan a future, to dream of what's yet to come on the shared path?

Your children can only do so much and they don't fully get it. They have partners on to who's shoulders they can weep and rage.  But for the partner left behind, there's the motions, but nothing behind then. You merely done the mask of normality and go through them. You pray the next person's not going to say "I was sorry to hear....".  You know each time it's a poke at the festering wound and a stable of fresh pain.

But it's the loneliness in the bed you shared, the life you shared, at 2 a.m at 8 a.m at dusk and at any time. How do you cope when all you want to do is curse the world and the 'normals' who have not been forced to travel the path you have...


  • Longshanks,

    I hear everything you are saying. I commented on another post, a while ago, about the subtle differences in loneliness and being alone. As time goes on, I find them really merging into one.

    I can already see how there's a theory that the second year can often be harder than the first. The first year has been a daze but, two months into the second, the reality of it's just me has hit.

    I'm getting on with things but do I enjoy them? Not really. A certain someone is always on my mind. Watching TV in the evening is where I find things difficult at home, perhaps it's because I try to fill the day. Strangely the time I still find it most hard is when I'm in the car. It's not hearing the singing from my left that does it when the music is on.

    We just try to keep going!

    Take care,


  • Hi, im with you there WDJ, i miss Rob the most when Im driving, he would always moan at me for singing along to part of songs and la laa-ing the bits I didnt know the words to.

    I’m changing car tomorrow, maybe it will be different?


  • You will still sing it makes you feel once more that your not alone in the car. That your an US......  our partners live through our memories. But does it have to hurt so much.

  • I've just got back into driving again. It was Jay's wish that I do it when he got really ill so I would at least have some independence. I was ill myself a good few years back and meant I had to stop driving so relied on him to take me places but I'm ok now and got the ok to start driving again. The car we have I love because we just bought it last year after having it out on a contract hire agreement and we liked it so much we decided to buy it at the end of the contract. That was last September before he became really ill and then he was hardly in it. So to me it's just like an extension of him and I want to more or less drive it in his honour and keep it going for as long as possible. I sing along to some songs in the car too or play quizmaster with Ken Bruce on Greatest Hits Glasgow. I'm still trying to build my confidence with the driving so at least it can get me out the house for an hour or so even if it's just to the local shops or somewhere. It's always another interest. 


  • He'd be so proud of youBlush