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Tomorrow marks 7 days since my darling was stolen from us by cancer. The longest week I have ever lived through,  rattling round a large empty house, each room filled with memories.

Today was the undertaker and registrar.  In a sick twist of humour I was to register her death in the same room we had 30 years ago said our vows.

Now reality crashes home, banks and companies to contact.  I can grieve but the world doesn't stop. I can feel empty, alone.and cursed,  but the world goes on.

Today it dawned on me, the three dogs we had, our family, might be beyond the capacity of my income. I work 12 hours days and a dog minder has been exercising them. But now that might be a service I.can no longer afford.  I promised my darling I'd look after the dogs... A week on and a promise made by her bedside is proving hard to keep. 

Life is lonely now but they have been my life boat in trouble times..and this is how I repay them.

I have let my darling down so quickly and that hurts. The loneliness hurts and the half of my soul that's died hurts. Life can only ever get worse,  a lesson i am learning a new each dreadful day.


  • My husband died three weeks ago. We have 6 dogs, two very elderly. I am struggling to cope. It’s as if they know he is gone and will not behave. It feels like I won’t be able to keep them all and atBroken heartetting him down already. Life is so lonely.Broken heart

  • Big hugs. That’s a hard situation. Can you speak to your local vet or rspca to see if there is someone who could foster them for you while you grieve? Maybe even speak to the Dogs’ Trust for advice. Do you have friends who could take some of them for you for a while? It is exhausting, grieving. Hopefully you will find a good solution for you and the dogs. 

  • Thank you, they are good suggestions. I will make a start tomorrow.

  • Sorry for your loss. Dogs are such good company and give you love unconditionally but I think they sense when something is amiss as with you losing your husband. I have a little Border Terrier and he was my husband's pride and joy. When my husband passed 8 weeis ago at the start he looked very sad and lost as if he `knew` his `daddy` had gone. He has though been very clingy to me but is I think starting to come round to fact that my husband is gone. I have one of those big furry donut beds for him but I wake up in the morning and he has made his way up to the other side of my bed taking over his `daddies place`. I really hope you can sort out a temporary situation for you `furbabies` while you go through the greiving process if you feel you're not coping with them and not get rid of them entirely. Good luck with everything. Take Care.


  • I will sort something out, I could not bear to lose them. 

  • I'm way further along than some of you,still hurts though,just listened to first time ever I saw your face, I just wished my depth of love was apparent when my husband was here,life gets in the way should have just loved loving  him,listened to him, looked at him appreciated him, I did love him but no where near enough as i should have if I had known I was going to be without him 

  • He knew you loved him. And we all think the same things. Big hugs. xxx

  • This is exactly how I feel, all the time. I was always dealing with work, the animals etc. and I should have just paid him more attention and let pointless stuff wait. I will forever feel guilt about this.

  • Yes I echo your sentiments. That before hand when we were living a normal life and being day to day with our partners, and now they are gone. So many things more that could have been said and done. The advice given is you did your best you could at the time they knew how we loved them.   But in retrospect we think of so much we could have said or done.   We have to live with it but we can see many of us feel the same