Excessive Sleeping

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  • 26 subscribers

Hi Everyone, I lost my Civil Partner to lung and brain cancer just over 2 months ago.  I looked after him at home,  visited him in the care home towards the end of his life, was with him as he died, and since then I have done all the "usual " eg: registering the death, funeral arrangements,  lots of admin including fending off creditors I knew nothing of,  dealing with my grief, my bills, clearing his stuff, having to look to move as I can't afford the rent here alone,  trying to obtain financial assistance and housing advice.  I was dealing with this alone, every day, worrying, and it was like being back at work juggling several priorities.   I am 63 and retired 3 years ago.  Now, I'm pleased to say all this is easing off.   The reason I have told you all this, and the reason for my enquiry is I seem to be sleeping a lot of late than is usual for me.  I sleep well at night, but then seem to drop off at the drop of a hat in the day, anything from 30 minutes to a couple of hours at a time.  It's like lately I'm asleep 12 hours out of 24.    Is this normal?  I imagine it probably is but I'm not physically exhausted,  maybe it's mentally and emotionally?   I'd appreciate your views.  Many thanks, Woods x  

  • Hi, I’m so sorry for your loss. I think it’s perfectly normal to feel exhausted after what you’ve been through, just your body’s way of saying “enough, slow down”. Be kind to yourself, so many emotions involved after losing someone so close, especially having taken care of them and being with them when they died, it all takes it’s toll.

    Take care
