Was I Being Insensetive??

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Hi Everyone!

Looking for a little bit of advice here. Jay's funeral is next Friday 14th July. In Glasgow that weekend it is a local holiday and I realise that and it's just the way the timing has worked out for this. Registering Deaths/Marriages/Births in Glasgow just now because of Covid (yes they're still using that as an excuse) are still getting done remotely either by telephone interview or online. This then held back getting a date for the funeral because a form from the registrar had to be sent to the undertakers in order for them to arrange a date with the crematorium Usually you just get the death/marriage/birth certificate and can go into their office in Glasgow city centre and get the form you need for the undertaker and take it straight there but for some reason they are still not allowing you to physically go into these places.  Mid July in Glasgow for two weeks is known as the `Glasgow Fair Holiday Fortnight` years ago it was a big thing in Glasgow where industries like building etc all shut down for two weeks and everyone went on holiday. These days though its not such a big thing but some people still stick with tradition and take that holiday. I put a note up on my Facebook page to let people know of Jays funeral and said that I would not be offended if anyone could not come due to holiday commitments. 

We have been finding it hard to get coffin bearers for Jay and I asked William my son if any of his friends would be willing to do it. He has a group of friends he has kept up with since school they've done all the night clubbing, finding girlfriends and having babies together bar one who likes the batchelor life too much. William then messages me and says can put the funeral back until a week this Monday (17th June) so all his friends can come because they are all going on holiday and won't be back until the Saturday the day after Jay's funeral.  Really!?? Well i just felt the tension rising I said to him no I'm not doing that William because it took long enough to get it in place in the first instance and everything is booked and I just really want it over with now. It's bad enough that I still need to wait a full week for it to actually happen but for me to wait for at least another 10 days I think is a bit much. Had it been something like a birthday party or something ok, but not a funeral. He was very understanding about it though which surprised me because I expected him to come on the phone shouting the odds and said he just thought he would ask. Seemingly they are all going on a `lads holiday` to Tenerife without their partners/spouses call me old fashioned (probably am at 60 years old) but I thought the lads holidays all stopped once you had the house, the wife and the babies and these `lads` are all more or less in their 30's now. So obviously William can't go because of the circumstances. Now have guilt running through me like no ones business and it has left me feeling really uptight and I have enough to deal with just now. I now feel I have let him down because of this and I don't want to feel that way. 

Vicky xx

  • Oh my goodness, poor you.

    Please be kind to yourself, your son is fine. There will be other opportunities for holidays. This is more important. 

    The funeral home will supply funeral barers if you let them know. We needed to borrow a couple of big strong men as my sons (18 and 12) wanted to carry their dad. 

    I'm sending you my best wishes 

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Thanks Ruby!

    The ones I thought that would do it who knew Jay well don't want to do it. I know this is a personal thing and one of his friends was very honest and said no. Not because he just doesn't want to do it because he feels he just couldn't do it so at least he was being hones. The other one just left me hanging so in the end up I assumed that was a no as well. William phoned me earlier though to tell me that we now have 5 coffin bearers with a potential 6th. It will be William and his two cousins (Jay's nephews) and he managed to get hold of two guys Jay worked with who will be happy to do it and one of William's friends who is not going on the lads holiday as the ptoential 6th. I know the funeral officials will help out if needed. 

  • Oh Patty, you have enough to deal with without people asking you to move this important date!  You must have the funeral when you want it, and exactly how you want it.  I am pleased you've found bearers though.  I chose the date, Paul chose to be cremated,  I designed the humanist service.   I asked people if they wanted to come, and I didn't worry about who turned up and who didn't.   It was for me, and for him, just the 2 of us.  (Though I know in most circumstances relatives and friends will attend too). 

  • I was told it was the only first available date they had. I asked for an earlier one but this past week apparently was fully booked and the days leading up to the 14th were all taken which was a shame because we so hoped we could get the 12th that is the Orange Walk in Ireland it's a protestant thing if you follow it and they have Orange marches going on in Glasgow usually the weekend before it. But anyway its the 14th so that'll do it. I just wish it was this time next week so I could at least maybe relax and breathe again and able to start thinking of moving forward which is going to be really hard I just can't just now and everything just feels as though it's standing still. Yes you're right again Woods don't think anyone takes notice of who comes to a funeral the people there you probably would never see again until an event like that anyway. It's the usual birthdays, weddings, christenings and funerals is about the only time you meet up with distant family then they all crawl back into the woodwork again. I'm not expecting to keep in contact with any of Jays family once this is all over some may do but I know some won't doesn't really phase me though. Our next big thing after this will be William's wedding in about 18 months time so at least I will have something to aim for and it will be a more of a happier event even though his dad won't be there in person but in spirit.
