What now?

  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers

My husbands funeral was two days ago. It was a fitting goodbye to him and comforting to see the number of people who's lives he had an impact on.

Everyone has gone hone now.

What am I supposed to do now?

  • Hello 

    First of all I am very sorry for your loss. It is very very hard to deal with but I am happy you have found this forum. It will help you over the months to come and to have a compete understanding that we all experience now. I hope you have family around you. It is early days yet. 

    We all know how it is here. Do continue with us for support in this difficult time.

    A big hug 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Hey Sulubee.  I have just joined and seen your post, sending you love and strength.  I don’t think you’re supposed’ to do anything.  All you can do is roll with the moments and surf the waves of emotion as they come.  I cried, sobbed, binge watched tv, listened to griefcast, read Richard Coles’ book and others when my brain let me, sobbed, cried and tried to say yes to any offers (of company, meals, support).  Be kind with and to yourself, this is the hardest experience I’ve ever had and all I know is I’ve got to go through it.  One day, morning, moment at a time, 

    take care

  • Thank you for your kind words. I think the hardest thing is long days alone. I don't have family near me and my friends are scattered. I am off work at the moment and can't see myself going back for quite a few months.

    I guess I feel isolated. This is so hard.

  • Hey it is hard, really hard.  Like you I don’t have family and it is really lonely and isolating.  I didn’t go back to work till a few months had passsed and I’m only working 2 mornings and one day  and that feels just doable but it is hard.  Be kind to yourself and keep connected in whatever little ways you can 

  • What you do now is heal. In your own time, at your own pace nd in your own way. Its still early days and the emotions will come and go. I am only 7 weeks in so not in the best position to offer words of wisdom but all I can tell you is just let the feelings and emotions come and go at will. We just have to endure them, there is no easy way. But this will pass. We know it will. In the meantime you just heal and recover in any way you need to. I am a bookworm and I am reading a lot which I find so calming and healing. It takes time to adjust to this new chapter in our life xxx