When is the time right?

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I lost my beautiful wife to cancer earlier this year. She battled bravely for 17 years and was particularly unwell needing care in the final two years. I loved my wife with all of my heart and in those final years and months we talked about what I would do after she had passed. She wanted me to find someone else and be happy and at the time I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. However, now that she is gone I find that I would like to find someone else. I don’t want to be on my own and at 62 I know that time isn’t my friend. I know I could wallow in my grief but that won’t bring her back and it is easy to see how weeks can turn into months which could turn into years. I feel that I gave my wife everything and loved her with every fibre of my being but I think that most people will not understand my desire to build a new life with someone else. I know that if I meet someone now it will be scorned upon but what is the right time? Do you wait until you think others would approve or do you carry on and try and make the best of a life that you would not have chosen but have ended up with. Seriously tied up in knots here. 

  • Oh gosh that's a tough one!....I know people who have met very soon after the death of their loved one and are very happy, not that they have forgotten their loved ones, but because their hearts are big enough to keep the love for their departed ones and love for a new relationship....people will always have something to say about it, but if you feel it's right for you, then don't miss the chance to find love again, you have to grab it with both hands! I only lost my hubby 11 weeks ago and don't feel anyway near ready, but maybe one day I will....times no on my side either......hope some of that makes sense! 

  • First of all I am sorry for your loss, I hope that you are doing as well as can be expected. Yes it makes sense. My wife will always be with me in my heart and will always be a part of me, but it really does feel like the right time for me. 

  • This is another interesting, and tricky, situation that we all face. I'm nowhere near this scenario being real but know it could happen.

    A good friend recently said to me I shouldn't be on my own for the rest of my days. I don't think my beautiful wife would disagree and I would have, if it had been the other way around, told her to not be alone for the rest either.

    Is there a definitive period where we shouldn't consider this? No. We are only human I guess. What others think is irrelevant - particularly if what we've experienced hasn't happened to them. For some of us it will take some time, for some not so long and, indeed, for some it will never happen. I think it's as simple as that!

    Take care,


  • After our conversations about me meeting someone else and being 'happy' again, I said to my husband that I'm not possibly going through losing someone like this againSleepy However, I think I would like 'someone' to be 'there' (I think) to go for meals or the cinema or theatre with. It's taken me 3 years to even think about this but I do understand some people feel the need to be part of a couple sooner. 

    All I would say Stclair is don't rush yourself into something too quickly  

    Slight smile

    Tomorrow is another day
  • It's something only you can decide. I will say that no-one else has the right to tell you how to live your life now.

    My husband didn't say anything to me about the future and for that I'm glad.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • It’s certainly not a future I wanted, I still can’t quite imagine life without her but that is the stark reality I have to deal with and make the best of. Wishing you well and sending strength and love 

  • Thank you, it is difficult and I really don’t know what to do for the best. 

  • Sometimes people get along with someone they already know in their friendship circle, because they're familiar to them and know to a certain degree how they tick Thinkingif that makes sense? 

    It's still really early days for you and you should take time to grieve your loss - small steps at a time and day by day- it will get easier

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hello to all of you who are here. I lost my loving husband to cancer two and a half years ago (he was only 56 yo). We were very lucky to have an incredible friendship deep bond and loving marriage. At this time, I am still trying to figure out my purpose, what to do and where I belong. We are expats, so on top of the loss of him (during Covid restrictions) I have been managing (alone) being in a foreign country, away from family and friends through his illness and death and have remained him the EU because I don't know where I belong now that my husband is no longer here. Nor do I fully understand how one repatriates.

    StClair, we all live through our grief and manage it as we go. We all have to decide what is right for us at what time. We are humans and we are meant to have a compagnion. In my experience, I have found people just do not know what to say when we first lose our spouse and as we discover who we are becoming after having lost hi or her. We should not allow ourselves to feel pressured by someone else's "timetable." Each of us is the "expert" as to what and when something is right for us. Folks who have not experienced the loss of a husband or wife can empathize, but they do not know what we are feeling or experiencing. 

    I have recently thought about the idea of dating. But for me, at this time, I don't think I am ready...that's just me. You had the good fortune to have a wife whom you loved dearly and who loved you. Keep that love in your heart. She knows that you love her and she will always be with you. (at least this is my belief) It is good that you two talked about your future without her. When you are ready, have that first meeting/coffee/date and feel good about it. Just my two cents.

  • Thank you and my wife will always be in my heart and I will always love her. Sending you strength and love x