A new bench in the cemetery

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hello everyone

Nearly a year, the 30th May, since Barry died. Still can't believe it and haven't really accepted it at all. Probably never will. Just learning to be me again, living alone, but with a lovely pussycat who has been my loyal companion throughout.

As I live in France, the funeral arrangements were very different to the UK, and it all had to be done within 5 days, cremation and funeral. Certainly focused me to do everything as Barry would have wished too. Luckily I knew what he wanted long before, but we didn't dwell on it.  I bought a plot which will be for me later too, and I organized a small tribute at the Jardin de Souvenir, memory garden. I managed with the help of friends to get through it. Then afterwards, the following days with all the paperwork to do that had to be done quickly too.

A few months passed, and I thought a bench would be good in the cemetery for Barry, and for me when I came to visit. This is not an idea that the French really do, certainly not in rural areas like me. The cemetery is owned by the local Marie, not the Church. I enquired and nearly a year later I think I am going to get it done. They say they now have one and it is being repainted.

It has taken so long ? Very unsettling. I managed to do a plaque relatively quickly which was good. It reads with his name and the words And we begin again . One that Barry knew about.

Fingers crossed we might get the bench on the 30 the ?

Hugs to you all out there 

  • I got a bench placed opposite where Colin is buried (with his dad who died 1980)and bought it through our council complete with a plaque. It took me ages to decide what to have written with the number of characters allowed and I must've gone through half a notepad with options! I love the bench and it gets used a lot as I still go everyday, before that I took a fold-up chair as the spring and summer   of 2020 were beautiful Sun with face

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I think a bench is a wonderful 

    idea. I have this pending as similar to Fifinet it's not something done in Spain. I will follow up with the town council.

    There are some nice spots in the village. I haven't put my husband's ashes in the cemetery yet. Still at home. The cemetery isn't so nice with limited opening hours and they said only a top row was available, as you aren't allowed to get any preference. And that if I waited we might get a lower one.  Between myself and kids we haven't made a decision yet. 7 months have passed.  To be continued 

    ...Bootsy, your bench for your husband Colin is lovely 

  • Thank you Daybreak2 I do love it but its quite high maintainance or I'm a bit OCD on keeping it clean with it being under trees and what comes with that if you know what I mean BirdPoopetc Wink

    I hope you get a nice place for your partner's ashes soon (((hugs))) x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Love the bench !!!

    Well done. I was in to enquire about mine today. It has been repainted apparently so I might get it soon.

    No doubt there will be a lot of discussion, French style , where to put it !!

    Take care 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "