
  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

My wife of 25 years died in March from a combination of breast, ovarian and MDS cancers. I’m heartbroken and alone. No need to reply - I’m just shouting into the darkness. 

  • Shout all you like....this is the place to do it....May we all find that chink of light.....sending strength....we all need it!

  • Hello 

    I echo Stace with that. You need and will want to come on this with us. It is an absolutely excellent forum.

    Please let us know how you are and I send you deepest sympathy for your loss.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • I know how you feel. I lost my partner of 32 years last week, my heart is shattered. I feel so lost, its all happened so quickly, she was only diagnosed in february. Just wanted you to know you are not alone in this darkness. x