My Year Now Up

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  • 25 subscribers

A year has finally come and gone. What can I say? I'm not sure to be honest.

It has been a year of tears, reflection and, simply, survival. Decisions have been made, some of which I wonder if for the best. I'll never really know is how I feel.

It is however not the last year I ask myself where it has gone. It is the near thirty years before it! All extinguished in one go, never to be experienced, in any way, again.

I can't say much more really. The next year begins and I/we start again.

Take care,


  • Hello WDJ 

    Oh well done. Sad I am sure missing your wife and all the memories.

    The plaque I have for Barry says And we begin again. So true. Just thinking it is all different now. We are no longer the same.

    Keep going ! 


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "