Loss of my wife

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Tomorrow will be a year since my wife Jean died of cancer I don't know how I will feel , I haven't been able to go to see my therapist for ages ive been trying to get on with things ,friends of mineBroken heartnd jeanshave said we should meet up and raise a glass or 2 which I agreed to ,I'm worried about my step children how they will feel on the day ,I miss her so much and love her HeartpulseHeart️Heart️‍Heart️‍Broken heart

  • Hello Andrew b 

    I understand how you feel. Take it as it comes. You won't know how you will feel, except the loss and the pain which will probably accompany you tomorrow. I wish you luck. Raise a glass or two and remember all the good times.

    My turn comes next month, one year on too. Been thinking what to do ? Or really what not to do. I know it will be hard. Think the lead up to these things are often worse then the day itself might not be too bad ? Well, Christmas was like that for me.

    Take care. Chin up !!!

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "