
  • 12 replies
  • 31 subscribers

I am two + years on. Some of the time I manage to forget. If I keep very busy I can enjoy myself. But there are still times I struggle very badly. I have very few family, just a sister, and I very rarely see her. There does appear to be a refusal to understand the problems of widowhood. I honestly have come to the conclusion that some will not even look at the problems as it is just too frightening for them. In case it happens to them. Which of course makes it much harder for me. I have worked very hard at keeping busy but I am afraid I just feel so desperately alone at times. Frowning2

I am struggling these few weeks Frowning2️


  • Hi 

    I think I could’ve written your  post

     I’m 18 months in and my life is very busy. I have 5 grandchildren aged 4 and under and am a very hands on Nannie, I work and I have joined a walking group but at the end of the day the house is empty when I get home. There’s times I just need to share feelings and Dave is the only one I want to tell. 
    Some of  my family are supportive but there’s some things you only want to talk to significant other about. Nothing major - even just having a rant about something or talking about your day, or what colour tiles to buy (I sat outside a shop for half and hour not able to go in and pick tiles because I needed to talk to Dave about it , even though I was always the one who sorted decor while he was here ) If I do that to my mum she’ll then worry that I’m getting stressed again and not coping  

    I try talking to my sister but every time I do she manages to twist the conversation to how hard her life is (because she split with her partner ). At that point I just want to scream at her that it’s not the same. I lost my forever, my one true love, my future. I always feel angry after talking to her (and I’m not an angry person) so now I just avoid talking to her. 
    My kids are 32 and 30 and are really good but o also try not to burden them. I don’t want to be anyone’s else’s problem so most of the time I hide how I feel. 
    I dont think  anyone can understand the loneliness unless they have personally lost their partner - and even them still don’t if they didn’t have the best relationship. I think the fact that we’re on this forum means we did all have amazing relationships. 
    Please continue to reach out on here when you feel lonely 

    Take care 


  • Hi Jilly, I have two seconds to reply as I am heading off up country.

    And to those I have not replied to, I could not get logged in this past week. 

    I have a sister who is quite frail but improving a bit after surgery. If I try to say how lonely I am she also twists it round to her. Despite her husband being there and a grown up daughter nearby. There has been no empathy to me despite me having no car and using a wheelchair for distance. It is all about her. 

    I will reply longer tomorrow night. Hang in there. This is a loneliness that comes from losing one half of us.

