Angry, sad and guilty.

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  • 26 subscribers

Last August, less than a month after being diagnosed with secondary cancer (ironically on the same day my son was told he was in remission), my husband passed away. It’s obviously been awful but you all know that. My mum was diagnosed with a ‘high grade B cell lymphoma’ in February this year but before we could get a firm diagnosis or start treatment, she ended up in hospital having bowel surgery. Unfortunately multiple infections overtook her and she died last week. I am so very angry at the moment, not just with the world for taking my husband and mum. I’m angry with my husband for not being here to support me through this crap and angry that he didn’t get diagnosed sooner to at least stand a chance to fight - he had other health issues and put feeling so unwell down to them. And I’m angry and sad that his death was so horrible - my mum was in hospital but they managed to get her pain and sedation under control so for the last few days of her life, she was comfortable. My husband was at home, with a syringe driver, but his last few days were so distressing for him and for me and my children - right up to an hour before he died, he was reaching out, writhing around and seemed in pain. And I feel so  guilty that we never got him comfortable. I can’t get those images of him in his last few hours back out of my head. 

  • I am so sorry for this.Time is the best healer, my 24 years old son died after 0ne month when he was in remission 

  • I'm so sorry for your husbands passing last month,  was distressing too, so soul destroying....hopefully those images in our heads will fade in time, everything is just so raw for us..thinking of you x

  • I  can imagine what you are going through.It takes time, it's so fresh.Stay strong.I am keeping myself very busy.I have to say my work and gym have been my lifeline.

    Sending you my love and strength x

  • Kissthebadge,

    Firstly, how awful a situation.

    Feel right in feeling angry. I still do too. My wife's diagnosis took more than a year and I still wonder what more she could have got if her treatment started sooner. Use the anger as a strength; I've tried that as best I can.

    Images? I see them all too, as will everyone on here. Take strength from this forum. It's one of the only places you'll get true understanding.

    Guilt? We all get that too. It's difficult to even try to comprehend.

    We can only take each day, hour, minute as it comes.

    Take care,


  • Hello

    So so sorry. You have had such a terrible time. To say the very least. Don't feel guilty, as we all know here now by hindsight. Not a good feeling to have. The last images, well, this is the big question for us here, what we could have done or said ? They do decide when to go a nurse told me, which helps just a bit. Your children will be devastated too. Hug them and let the tears flow.

    Keep posting here. It is an immense help.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • I feel the same if he was diagnosed well before would have been alive x