
  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My darling Husband died of pancreatic cancer and metastases last month......I've been arranging his funeral for this Tuesday and feel emotionally exhausted, but I wanted to control  his send off as I was unable to prevent the cancer from taking him away from me.....he was only 67 and we should have had lots more adventures, so I feel robbed of our time together......I relate to lots of comments on here, guess only time will tell how we'll all come out of this, but I know I owe it to his memory to carry on living as he wanted me too. Be kind to yourself everyone.

  • I am so sorry that you had to join this group.  my husband died 20 months ago from Pancreatic cancer metasised into liver and lymph nodes.

    It will be hard for you especially once the funeral is over, I found that the worst time as i had said my final goodbye.

    All i can say is take your time to grieve, grief is not linear it comes in waves, one minute you feel Okish and the next minute you will be inconsolable.

    take all the help is offered to you. 

    Sending you a virtual hug.



  • Thank you.....that virtual hug really helped.

    I'm also sorry for your loss too. I have a friend who husband died 6 years ago of this dreadful disease, he went very quickly, with Graham, it was 2 years and he was very well until 3 weeks before he passed....we had nothing left unsaid and that soothes my soul.

    Sending you a virtual hug too, as we all need it.


  • So sorry my partner died of lung cancer 2 days ago he was only 68 so totally know how your feeling .No one wants to be here .big hugs for you xxx

  • Blees you...feeling your pain, its all so raw! Another taken so young of this cruel disease and I expect you feel roobed, like I do, of the many years you should have had together.

    I hope you have good support.

    Be kind to yourself

    Big x

  • So sorry for your loss and that you find yourself part of this community. Here you will find comfort and support from us fellow members who are going through, or have been through, this terrible journey. I know that feeling of being robbed of time together and I even feel that about Covid, as we were unable to still make special memories together while we were still able to. Like you, I know my Lin wanted me to carry on living and be happy, so we have to try to stay positive. I am now 1.5 years into this journey and all I can say is that it can be so hard at times but things do slowly get better. There will be good days and bad days but we get through it.

    As Chelseabluegirl has already said, take your time and do things when you are ready and get all the support you can, you will need it.

    Take care and stay strong.
